Meloni: ‘Let’s think of high school made in Italy’ – Politics

“It is our interest and duty to support this world and the government’s commitment is also to support young people and generational turnover. Wine is not only an economic fact but also a cultural fact, it is a fundamental piece of our identity”. The prime minister said, Giorgia Meloni, who upon arrival at the 55th edition of Vinitaly welcomed by the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia. The premier’s first stop was at the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture, food sovereignty and forests, where paintings by Caravaggio and Reni are exhibited. Meloni recalled that the wine sector in Italy is worth 30 billion and has 870 thousand employees: “We are the first producers in the world – said the premier -. There are families that carry on important traditions but generational turnover is also fundamental”.

The Prime Minister was greeted by the President of the Fair, Federico Bricolo.

An all-business Vinitaly

“For me this is high school, because there is nothing more deeply connected to our culture”, and it is one of the reasons why the government works at the “liceo del made in Italy“, said the premier speaking to a group of students from an agricultural institute. “I congratulate these guys, you have been very far-sighted”, she added, recalling that when it is said that with the choice “of high school you would have had an outlet while minor opportunities with a technical institute, we forget that in these institutes there is a much higher capacity for career opportunities than in other paths, this is high school”.

I’m not worried regarding Pnrr delays, we are working a lot, the alarmist reconstruction does not convince me very much”, said the premier Giorgia Meloni on the subject of the Pnrr, on the sidelines of Vinitaly. As for the controversies of the last few days, she then commented. “I am not considering losing resources – he added – I’m considering getting him to land effectively.”

On the appointments in the subsidiaries “I assume that there will also be some confirmations”, explained the prime minister. “We work on the merits – he underlined, on the sidelines of Vinitaly – by looking at the merits and clearly looking at the strategic nature of the companies, particularly in this time, taking into consideration the issue of Pnrr spending as regards energy, and also work that Italy does to try to become a sort of supply hub”.



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