The powerful exercise that tones the abdomen and reduces the waist

modern life

The inclusion of these practices, together with a balanced diet, will make the body find a better version.


Among the various physical jobs that can be done, You have to look for those that generate muscle hypertrophy, which will already make a difference over the usual abdominal exercises. In addition to this, you must also stimulate the deepest muscle fibers so that adequate tension is generated, which will end up giving the result without reaching contraction.

The so-called isometrics are variations of exercises that help the abdomen, buttocks or legs. They must be performed in a series of 10 to 15 seconds per exercise, but some can go up to a minute or as long as the person can hold it.

Step 1: Place a mat on the floor, lie on your back with your back well supported on the ground.

Step 2: Stretch your arms and legs well without touching the floor, later, bring your hands to the nape of the neck and place them below the head.

Step 3: Activate the abdomen, managing to bring them to harden the as if a contraction were made, but retained.

Paso 4. Bend your knees toward your chest and reach your arms out as if you were going to touch your heels, but do not take your back too far off the mat.

The iron It is considered by physical activity experts as one of the best exercises to work parts of the body such as the abdomen and waist. The best thing is that it can be done anywhere, that is, there is no need to attend a specialized gym to do it.

In addition to shaping the waist and abdomen, The plank position is able to improve posture, flexibility, improves metabolism and helps muscle tension.

How is the plank made?

It may seem like a simple exercise, since you only need to maintain the position, however, it might become complex at first if you don’t have the sporting habit. Anyway, this should not be an impediment to start it up.

The expert portal in sports activity Runner´s World explains step by step the proper way to execute this position.

  • Get into a plank position while supporting yourself with your forearms. Make sure your elbows are on the floor directly below your shoulders, with your feet hip-width apart.
  • The back should be flat, the head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Bring the elbows to the ground and squeeze the quadriceps, the buttocks.
  • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, do not hold your breath.

If this exercise is carried out for 30 days with discipline, it is very likely that the results will begin to be noticed in terms of the reduction of the abdomen and waist. the web portal Health 180 He explains that on days 1 and 2 he performs this exercise holding the position for 20 seconds.

As the days go by, you should increase the time you spend doing the plank between 30 and 50 seconds per week, except on days 6 and 18, when you should rest.

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