Massa rushes relief for the industry, with imports and gas for SMEs

The restrictions on imports, the contraction of economic activity and forecasts of a slowdown in productiondrought involved, are part of the reasons that left a scenario full of conflict for the sectors linked to national production, almost contrary to the plan designed by Alberto Fernández from the beginning of his government. With little room for maneuver in foreign trade, due to the scarcity of foreign currency, Sergio Massa explore takeaway alternatives relief for SMEs and sustain the support of a key sector for presidential election campaign arguments. More if the Minister of Economy decides to jump into the electoral arena.

Even in the midst of the foreign trade trap, the tandem made up of Matias Tombolini, Guillermo Michel y Carlos Castagneto accelerated the approval of SIRAs for the sectors that make up the Fair Prices program, to medical laboratories and to exporters, according to a source from the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), consulted by PROFILE. That was one of the signals that Massa’s economic team sent to businessmenfollowing the tensions they went through during the summer.

The Néstor Kirchner pipeline, on time?

As this medium was able to learn, from official sources, as well as from the private sector, the inauguration of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline maintains the date of June 20 next, despite the possibility of a 10-day delay that the president had slipped Alberto Fernandez at the beginning of February, in an act together with the owner of Pampa Energía, Marcelo Mindlinand that he pointed out once more in the interview he offered in the Rebord method.

Sergio Massa inaugurated the first smart plant in Latin America

With this work activated, which will allow supplying a significant portion of the gas demand in the most populated areas of the country, Massa’s environment will seek to materialize promises of specific improvements for productive development, its value chain and the impact on jobs. At least, that was what he spoke to the businessmenboth with those who run SMEs, and even with those who make up the red circle, in order to sustain a vigorous pace in the energy sector during 2023.

That is the case of gas for factories. Although the resolution dates from the first days of January, the business entities found that, since the beginning of March and with full application since May, industrial SMEs will have discounts in the price of gas that will vary between 25% and 62% for companies that are blank, registered as Mipymes in the government program.

Subsidized gas: a relief for SMEs

The resolution of the Ministry of Energy had gone unnoticed by the entities, such as the UIA and IPA, which make up the Enargas SME commission. There was a key fact: medium-sized companies with high consumption are considered within that universe. In principle, in official offices they had been marginalized, because it meant more significant fiscal spending, but businessmen convinced the authorities of the importance of employment and exports the inclusion of the P3 segment.

“It is key that medium-sized companies have joined this scheme, because the price of energy has an important weight in the cost of production when competing with products from other countries. At a time when every dollar is important to the country, which SMEs can export more becomes a sign that working together generates benefits for all Argentines”, assured the president of IPA, Daniel Rosato.

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In the areas related to gas, the news was not such, because that resolution had been signed in the first days of January. But, Just last week there was a meeting where Energy officials They reminded businessmen of the importance of the measure, which had begun to take effect in March. The idea was that the political decision had a positive effect on the manufacturing sector, in the midst of the conflicts that the industry is going through due to the restrictions on imports. The goal was add to the image of Massa and his relief measures.

The YPF case, discomfort for businessmen

The US judge’s ruling Loretta Preska in the cause that the vulture funds promoted by the nationalization of YPF generated discomfort in the business chambers. It happens that the concept of state intervention in private business is resisted in the red circle, but, at the same time, recognize that the Argentine flag oil company is the main driver of the development of Vaca Muertaboth in gas extraction and in the LNG liquefaction project for export. “It achieved what the business lobby might not because it had legal guarantees for investments,” The executive of one of the companies with a presence in Neuquén was honest.

The gas reduction for industrial factories is the result of lowering its price, thanks to Vaca Muerta. But the business unions preferred to move to the side of the discussion on nationalization and they chose to leave the place of the debate empty. Only IPA said that the results showed that the participation of the State “It served to refloat the company and, fundamentally, to strengthen the hydrocarbon sectorwhich is key to the future of the country”.

What are the changes that the Government implemented in the import regime?

all the discontent was concentrated in the increase in tax pressure, following the implementation of the new AFIP tax for imports. The strategy of the red circle, which came out in droves to criticize the measure, is tie the effect that large companies will have on SMEs. In short, the little good news on the foreign trade front was hidden behind the reproaches that aligned the Group of Six, made up of industry, Commerce, Construction, the countryside, national banks and finance, and that joined the powerful Argentine Business Association (AEA), with large companies at the helm.

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