Mateusz Pawlak
03-04-2023, last update 03-04-2023 15:58
The Copernicus Revolution Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research and development center where learning processes will be studied and modern educational tools will be created.
source: AdobeStock
– The opening of the Copernican Revolution Laboratory is an important day for science. Today, we are launching here a unique scientific and research center not only in our country, but also in the whole world, where scientists from Poland and around the world will carry out their projects from A to Z with the inhabitants of Warsaw in mind. mind and learning processes, which is of particular importance for the development of education. I am very happy that Warsaw supported this project and donated the land for the construction of this impressive facility and nearly PLN 28 million for construction, finishing and installation works – says Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw.
– The city councilors decided to allocate funds for this investment from the city’s budget. This is a much-needed place, because the world we live in needs such interoperable places where research and development activities can be carried out – emphasizes Ewa Janczar, chairwoman of the Spatial Order Committee of the City Council. of Warsaw.
The local government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship supported the construction of the Copernicus Revolution Workshop, donating over PLN 16.7 million from EU funds for this purpose.
– I am very happy that we might contribute to the creation of such a creative and inspiring place, and thus we have our share in the development of modern education and scientific communication not only in Mazovia, but also throughout the country. The more so that it is the only such place in Poland. We will always support interesting and valuable scientific initiatives, because the education and development of the youngest inhabitants of Mazovia is our priority – emphasizes Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship local government.
The building of the studio has been designed in such a way that it is possible to carry out projects from start to finish. Using the PPK infrastructure, researchers will be able to implement their own ideas or join projects run by the facility.
– Using knowledge regarding learning, we want to design solutions for education and scientific communication of a new generation. Effectively combine teaching in the field of natural and exact sciences with the interests, passions and needs of modern students and the opportunities offered to us by today’s technologies. Our goal is to support young people in preparing for the challenges of the future – says Robert Firmhofer, General Director of the Copernicus Science Centre.
From idea to product
The studio is a place of research and development, where, together with partners, new exhibitions, exhibits, educational aids and scenarios of classes, interdisciplinary projects and events will be created.
1.5 was accumulated in PPK. thousand various devices – over 250 types of devices, including 34 technologically advanced microscopes, 17 industrial robots, measuring probes, large workshop machines (computer-controlled lathe, industrial laser cutter) and 3D printers.
In the center, prototypes can be created and improved – the heart of the building is well-equipped workshops with professional equipment and laboratories with technologically advanced instruments and apparatus for biological, chemical and physical experiments. This equipment will be used mainly by scientists and researchers.
Researchers will “suspect” how we learn
In the Copernicus Revolution Workshop, you will also be able to check how the finished project works – future recipients will test it in specially arranged rooms. Some of them resemble a school classroom, others – an apartment or a laboratory. In the Studio, great emphasis will be placed on the study of learning processes, which is why the course of classes can be observed from rooms (focus rooms) equipped with Venetian mirrors and equipment enabling recording and analysis of participants’ behavior (cameras, microphones, software and eyetracking equipment). Focus rooms have been prepared for researchers – psychologists and sociologists, as well as designers who can check how their products are used.
The new building also houses the “Wytwórnia – Educational FabLab”. This is a workshop space where construction classes for children, youth and adults will be held. The creators of the digital center will also be provided with a professional recording studio. which will present what the PPK is currently dealing with.
Eco building in the heart of Powiśle
The headquarters of the Copernicus Revolution Studio has three above-ground floors and one underground floor with a total area of approx. 6,000 sqm. m2. The facility is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The simple and light cuboid-shaped body has an original facade in the form of air-filled cushions made of ETFE membranes, which let in a lot of natural light (up to 95 percent) and at the same time thermally insulate the interior. The roof will feature photovoltaic panels, as well as installations enabling the use of rainwater in the toilets
The architectural concept of the new Copernicus building was developed by Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci Sp. z o. o., headed by Edzard Schultz and Anna Stryszewska-Słońska. The contractor for the construction investment is Unibep SA
The total cost of construction and investment works, including equipment, is approx. PLN 75.3 million, including construction works of approx. PLN 65 million. The investment was co-financed from a subsidy from the budget of Warsaw in the amount of PLN 27,690,101 (net) and from the European Union, namely the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, in the amount of PLN 16,765,860.42 ( net). The remaining funds are the own contribution of the Copernicus Science Centre, funds obtained from consortium members and sponsors.
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