“M.L. Sirisomorn Sawatdiwat” manages the school. but has a passion for fashion

When talking regarding education Many people may be attached to pictures of nerds or messy teachers. But in reality it may not be so. Because the talented executives that Celeb Online will take to get to know each other today Not only has she completely erased the old memories, she is also full of passion to bring fresh knowledge and ideas. Let’s continue the family business. As the heir to the owner of the Song Witthaya Affiliated School Which has been with Thai people for more than 60 years. Currently, there are 3 branches: Song Witthaya School, Song Witthaya Theparak School. and Songsappawit School

This little girl’s name is “Proud-ML Sirisamorn Sawatdiwat” 27-year-old youngest daughter of M.R. Pongsawat Sawatdiwat and Dr. Songsamorn Sawatdiwat Na Ayudhya, sister of M.L. Songlak Sawatdiwat

Proud said that She has just come to help take care of the family business for only 2-3 months and is still in the learning stage. But if asked regarding the commitment He answered without hesitation that he was one hundred percent. because it was the original intention that One day will have to come back to continue the family business.

“Actually, at home, we don’t force that. have to return to do business at home or what to study But Proud himself was more than expected. will come back one day Because we grew up with this business. I have seen changes in the education industry all along, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic that has to be adapted to teaching online. Until now, it has to face challenges from the decrease in the number of newborns. which the Songwittaya Group had to adjust by offering an English Program to provide more options for parents.”

This is in order to prepare to come and help continue the family business. After completing a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University Then fly to study a master’s degree in Digital Media and Education at University College London (UCL), England.

“When entering university with not being good at numbers Proud then chose to study art. At that time, he was hesitant between the Faculty of Letters and the Law School, but because he thought that the Faculty of Arts Will study wider than law that is quite specialized Therefore, I chose to major in Philosophy instead of majoring in any language. Because I think that if interested in the language We can still go to study extra. But philosophy teaches critical thinking. likely to be applied in the future. Proud’s master’s degree chose to study directly. who thought that it would be possible to come back and build on the family business.”

After completing his master’s degree, he came back. It was during the COVID-19 period, causing Proud to think that he would take a break and return to the working world for only 2-3 months. It turned out to be an unpleasant situation. Causing him to take a long break for 6 months before he started his first job at True Corporation Public Company Limited by being assigned to help take care of the Online Learning platform for over a year. Proud then decided to steer clear of his favorite fashion line.

“Deep down, we already like fashion. before coming back to work at home So I decided to get some work experience. by joining Central’s Management Associate Program This is a project that will accept people with no more than 2 years of work experience, regarding 20 people per class to work. It will be distributed among various Business Units, where he will choose which of the top 3 Business Units we are interested in and he will send them. Proud likes fashion. So I went to the Central Marketing Group (CMG) that imported various fashion and beauty brands.

Proud said that looking back, I still regret it. who worked for more than a year had to wave goodbye because my mother called me back to help at home

“Actually, the project will provide an internship for 2 years, and every 6 months will be moved to work in other areas, for example, at first, look at the product section, following 6 months, move to look at marketing. Then went to see the operation. and e-commerce Joining this program is like a Fast Track where following 2 years, we will learn all functions. There are also activities that allow the exchange of knowledge and experiences. from the seniors who joined the previous generations of the project including friends distributed in various parts.”

When asked why he liked fashion but didn’t take any serious studies in this field, Proud said that when he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a designer, but when he was in high school, he realized that I learned better in academics than in arts. Because I’ve been to school and pushed to see perspective drawing and didn’t do well. At that time, I was discouraged. and thought that he might not be suitable for this field But the passion for fashion has not gone anywhere. Only dreams may change. I didn’t aim to be a designer. but want to make a lifestyle product which she thought that one day she might compete with friends Make your own fragrance brand (Fragance), but now let’s do the duty in front of you. in helping to continue the business of schools in the Song Wittaya group best first

“Proud didn’t see that. I just want to join the family business. but would like to be part of the initiative to expand the family business but as said It’s only been here for a few months now. Therefore, I am still mainly learning regarding my work. As for the future, Proud intends to go on to study another master’s degree or study a doctorate in educational administration. in order to bring knowledge and experience to the family business as much as possible.”

When it comes to the lifestyle of the executive of the red label, Proud said that on her free time, she likes to go out and eat delicious food, especially new restaurants that have opened, must try. Aside from eating, I like to travel, whether it’s going on a trip or a luxury trip, it doesn’t matter, just have time to take beautiful pictures. as a memory because if there is a trip, especially if it is a trip to Europe She had to ask for fitting clothes to be ready to shine once morest the beautiful backdrop.

“Another hobby that I try to do. is exercise Because when I get older Metabolism is not as good as before. Sometimes just a diet isn’t enough. Now I intend to turn to exercise. By going to buy the Piratis course already The only thing left is that you have to force yourself to go,” Proud said cheerfully. Before ending with the style of dress that you like

“Many people might think that Proud is sweet. But actually it’s not. On weekdays, I will focus on T-shirts and jeans. Not sweet, but will dress neatly, not sour, not sexy. Regardless of the look, let’s fill it first (laughs)”



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