Does brewer’s yeast make you fat?

Often presented as a good dietary supplement, brewer’s yeast has the reputation of making you fat. Myth or reality ?

Brewer’s yeast has many benefits. We also hear thatit makes you gain weight. But is it really true? What is brewer’s yeast? What are its benefits ? Does it make you fat? How to consume it?

Discover all the secrets of brewer’s yeast.

What is brewer’s yeast?

To better understand the impact of brewer’s yeast (also called baker’s yeast) on the organism, let’s see what we find inside.


This is a mixture of strains of several fungi microscopic. The latter are derived from the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Here is what is found in this baker’s yeast:

  • polysaccharides : glycanes et mannanes ;
  • 48% protein: amino acids are present;
  • minerals and trace elements: silicon, zinc, selenium, magnesium, chromium;
  • group B vitamins: B1, B5, B8 and B9.

This product therefore has many very interesting nutritional properties for those who consume it.

Different types of brewer’s yeast

There are different types of yeast:

  • active ;
  • inactive ;
  • revivifiable.

Active and revivable beer yeasts are identical. They are dried slowly at 40° maximum. Thanks to this process, they retain their fermentation power and their probiotic properties. Simply mix them with water to reactivate the cells.

As for the inactive yeast, it is dried at more than 40°. It therefore loses its fermentation power and its probiotic qualities. However, it retains its nutritional values.

The benefits of brewer’s yeast

Active ferments of brewer's yeast

This microorganism has excellent nutritional qualities. It therefore has many benefits to know.

Rich in protein

It contains nearly 50% protein, which makes it more interesting than animal proteins.

Proteins have important actions on the body:

  • promote muscle building;
  • improve rest following exercise;
  • provide a feeling of satiety;
  • help maintain a stable weight.

Like spirulina, brewer’s yeast is an excellent dietary supplement.

A regenerated intestinal flora

Active yeasts are rich in probiotics. These latter promote the regeneration of the intestinal flora. You are therefore much less prone to digestive disorders such as:

  • bloating;
  • the constipation ;
  • diarrhea ;
  • stomach aches.

It is recommended to consume these micro-organisms following taking antibiotics, for example.

Benefits for pregnant women

Pregnant, you are more tired. In addition, you risk having certain deficiencies. Thanks to the yeast, you prevent folic acid and vitamin B9 deficiencies. In addition, they have galactogenic properties that promote lactation.

Finally, it is an excellent remedy once morest anemia and fatigue.

Stronger skin, nails and hair

Baker’s yeast is particularly known for its beneficial effects on the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

In the form of a cure, inactive yeast is enough to:

  • reduce skin aging and pigmentation;
  • make the skin firmer;
  • regulate sebum secretion;
  • promote healing of the skin;
  • moisturize skin and hair;
  • promote the growth of nails and hair and limit their loss;
  • strengthen the strength, elasticity and thickness of the nails.

Feel free to use inactive yeast to make homemade masks.

A strengthened immune system

All components of this microorganism strengthen the immune system. You are full of vitamins, so you are much less tired on a daily basis. In addition, you effectively fight once morest winter diseases. You keep fit in all circumstances.

Does brewer’s yeast make you fat?

Brewer's yeast does not affect weight gain

Some people experience bloated belly when consuming this product. It is actually an effect on the intestinal flora. So you can be bothered by gas, constipation or diarrhoea. However, you absolutely do not gain weight.

On the contrary, this micro-organism is a real asset when following a food rebalancing. It is a supplementation that accompanies you in your weight loss. Its high protein content gives you an excellent appetite suppressant sensation. In addition, you limit the risk of deficiencies thanks to its nutritional properties.

How to consume brewer’s yeast?

Yeast is found in several forms:

  • in flakes: to add to your diet;
  • in powder: to make masks for the skin or hair;
  • in tablet or capsule: as a food supplement.

Define your needs before buying your baker’s yeast.

In addition, there are natural or malted yeast. Barley malt tends to sweeten the taste of yeast. If you choose to put it in your dishes, malted yeast can therefore be a good option.

It is possible to follow an intensive cure and therefore to consume a higher quantity each day. Otherwise, do long-term preventive treatment to be in good shape all year round.

Be careful, some contraindications persist. It is better to avoid the consumption of these mushrooms if you suffer from:

  • kidney failure;
  • inflammatory diseases related to the digestive organs: Crohn’s disease for example;
  • allergy;
  • of the “drop”.

If you are in doubt, talk to your doctor before consuming this product.

Brewer’s yeast: what to remember

Brewer’s yeast does not make you fat. It is a protein-rich product with very good nutritional values. However, it is a product that can cause some inconvenience such as bloating or a swollen belly.



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