What is the IQ of ChatGPT?

A Finnish psychologist decided to do his own analysis of ChatGPT by having him take an IQ test. The AI ​​proved to be an ideal candidate with no anxiety or concentration issues, but mightn’t pass all the tests.

Many specialists have already shared their analysis on the capabilities of the ChatGPT chatbot, but these are above all people who work in the field of artificial intelligence, IT or technologies. However, AI is regularly compared to human intelligence. It therefore lacks the point of view of specialists in this field, namely psychologists.

This is how Eka Roivainen, a Finnish psychologist, decided to confront ChatGPT with an IQ test. He chose the third edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). It has 11 basic sub-tests, divided into the verbal scale and the performance scale. The IQ score is calculated from the result of these 11 subtests so that the average score is 100.

A perfect score that hides difficulties

The psychologist tested the chatbot on five of the six verbal subtests, namely: vocabulary, similarities, information, arithmetic and comprehension. The sixth subtest, digit memory, would have made no sense. The AI ​​passed the various tests on word definitions, general knowledge, general comprehension and arithmetic with flying colours. He noted, however, that for the similarities subtest, the chatbot’s responses started to irritate him. For a question like ” How are Harry Potter and Bugs Bunny alike? ”, ChatGPT does not just say that they are fictional characters, and launches into a complete comparison of their stories.

In the end, the AI ​​obtained a Verbal IQ score of 155, more than 99.9% of the 2,450 people who constitute the sample used for the standardization of the scores. The chatbot might not pass the other subtests which are non-verbal because it lacks the necessary eyes, ears and hands. Since Total IQ and Verbal IQ are strongly correlated, ChatGPT would be particularly intelligent if it were human. However, as the psychologist points out, AI still struggles when it comes to reasoning like a human or understanding the world. So, when faced with the question Who is the father of Jean’s children? “, ChatGPT kicks in touch and suggests asking the question to Jean or to people who know him…



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