Scharnstein: New lead to missing American

A first search was unsuccessful and was discontinued. A few days ago, however, there was a signal from her cell phone once more when the police were taking a look, reported “Upper Austria Today” on Monday evening. That will now be pursued, said Bernhard Magritzer, head of the Gmunden Alpine Police.

Police are asking for information regarding the missing 22-year-old.
Image: Police Upper Austria

Search around the Laudachsee

On Wednesday, a search should be carried out within a few hundred meters around Lake Laudach. The young woman left her accommodation in the center of Scharnstein on Friday, March 17 in the morning for a hike. According to the police report at the time, the last contact was made near Laakirchen. Cell phone tracking showed that. The search for her began on Saturday, and the search area was expanded on Sunday, but without success.

more on the subject

Upper Austria

22-year-old hiker missing: large-scale search operation in Laakirchen

LAAKIRCHEN. Together with the police and rescue services, the fire brigade’s forces unsuccessfully searched in the Laakirchen area on Sunday following a …

22-year-old hiker missing: large-scale search operation in Laakirchen

Since Saturday there has also been a search for a missing hiker in St. Wolfgang. Upper Austria today reports on the search operations in the Salzkammergut:


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