The first image in history.. James Webb proves the theory of space-time distortion

02:49 PM

Monday 03 April 2023

The James Webb Telescope of the US Space Agency NASA captured a wonderful image of the “space horse” galaxy, which is 6.3 billion light-years away from us, and another group of galaxies appears in the image, 6 billion light-years away.
What is interesting regarding the new image is that it clearly reveals the validity of the scientific theory of “space-time” distortion.
NASA says that the new image shows arcs, lines or galactic stripes in space, and also reveals the curvature of galaxies in time and space in a phenomenon known as “gravitational lensing”.
Gravitational lensing is “the gravitational effect of matter, present and distributed between the distant light source and the observer,” and is a literal distortion of what is known as “space-time.” It occurs when a celestial body with a large gravitational force “causes enough space-time curvature that the path of light around it visibly curves.” “.
The galaxies imaged by James Webb James are located in the constellation Coma Berenices, according to the European Space Agency, and the Space Horse galaxy appears in the form of a “long, bright, distorted arc that extends close to a heart-like shape.”



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