Japanese market | A bit of home in the Japanese Costco

Pelican kayaks, Romeo’s Gin spirits, pork from Olymel and maple syrup. If all these products are in a store near you, they are also available, far from here… in the aisles of Costco stores in Japan.

This is at least the observation made by the Quebec Minister of Agriculture, André Lamontagne, during a trade mission to Japan at the beginning of March. And in light of the discussions he had there with Costco executives, other products from here might well appear in the retailer’s stores, which has a total of 31 warehouses there. Mr. Lamontagne even goes so far as to qualify this stay as a “paid trip”.

“I saw alcoholic beverages, maple products, pork, kayaks,” the minister said in an interview with The Press on his return from Japan. [À Tokyo]I had a good chat with the president of Costco there [Ken Theriault] and we were almost running in the aisles because he wanted to show me left and right products that come from us,” he says, laughing.

That meeting, we were the ones who ran following it. I wanted to see what the mechanism was for them to welcome our businesses.

André Lamontagne, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Mr. Theriault is from Saskatchewan, while Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Howard Tulk is from Newfoundland. “Initially, these are people who have a bias in favor of Canadian companies. They are looking for products that stand out, that have stories. We have a lot of products in Quebec that have stories behind them. »

An opening to Asia

For Nicolas Duvernois, head of Duvernois Esprits Créatives, the company behind Romeo’s Gin, the Japanese market “offers a showcase and opens the door to the rest of Asia”. His gin is absent from the displays in Costcos in Quebec, since the sale of spirits is prohibited in grocery stores, but his product is offered in a two-bottle package in those of Japan, he confirms on the phone. Romeo’s Gin made their debut there a few months before the start of the pandemic. COVID-19 has put a brake on the export of its products to Japanese soil. “But there, the activities are relaunched. The Japanese are exceptional spirits lovers and creators,” he points out.


The CEO of Duvernois Creative Minds, Nicolas Duvernois

The duBreton company, which specializes in the slaughtering and processing of pork, has already made its mark in the Land of the Rising Sun, with its organic minced meat.

[Chez Costco]we are in renegotiation for this article and for other articles, always in organic products.

Julie Lamontagne, spokesperson for the duBreton pork slaughtering and processing company

At the head of Prana, a company known for its cereals, granola bars and other biscuits produced with organic ingredients, Marie-Josée Richer also claims to have experienced Costco in Japan in 2019. She assures us that she would be ready to put that back. ” It’s certain ! Who would say no to that? spear Mme Rich laughing. It’s really a great clientele. »


Prana co-founder Marie-Josée Richer

“We sell in Costco in Korea, Ireland, Spain, France. It’s regarding rotation. It is an agreement that we make with them for a certain number of units. »

More products to come

In addition, other products from here might soon make their way into Costco warehouses in Japan. As part of the trade mission, nearly twenty Quebec agri-food businesses and organizations accompanied the Minister. The delegation notably participated in Foodex, the largest food and beverage trade show in Asia-Pacific. The event was held in Tokyo. Signé Caméline, whose oils are already sold in grocery stores in Japan, Emblème Cranberry and Citadelle, a cooperative of maple syrup producers, were among the participating companies. These are not all aspiring to enter Costco, but to break into the Japanese market.

Following his discussions with Mr. Theriault, André Lamontagne invited the big boss of Costco and his team to meet the Quebec companies present at Foodex. “They came back to our booth several times during the day,” recalls Martin Lavoie, President and CEO of Groupe Export agroalimentaire Québec-Canada, who was also on the trip. They are very open. This is something that opens the door wide for future opportunities. »

“I saw opportunities for two of our entrepreneurs,” adds Mr. Lamontagne, while refusing to reveal their identity for the moment. “I saw matches. »

Excited by his visit, the minister is working on the organization of another meeting with the leaders of Japanese Costco. This will probably take place in Quebec “over the next few weeks or months to see if there are no other [occasions] of business that we might generate”.

The Japanese market

  • Quebec products on sale in Costcos in Japan: pork, bottles of Romeo’s Gin, Pelican kayaks, maple syrup
  • Number of Costco warehouses in Japan: 31 (more are already under construction)
  • Japan is the third largest destination for Quebec food products, following the United States and China

Source: Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food



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