Nearly two out of three French people are stressed

65% of French people are stressed, this is the result of a survey conducted in February 2023 with a sample of 1,501 French people aged 18 to 75 by Ipsos for Laboratoires Boiron. This study aims to better understand the importance of stress with the French. This survey reveals that 43% of respondents have seen their stress level increase in two years.

If nearly two out of three French people are stressed, they cite work, money, family problems, school and studies as the main sources of concern. “49% of 55-75 year olds place news (reform, conflicts, inflation, etc.) as the main source of stress”, reports the study.

Children under stress

And the youngest are not spared, 27% of the parents questioned ensure that their child’s stress would also have increased in two years. It is the 25-34 year olds who are the most stressed (79%) but the youngest are not spared: “40% of the parents questioned declared that their child is stressed. For 27% of them, the stress of their child would have increased in two years. And more specifically in the age group of 6 to 11 years, 38% of parents declare that their child is often to very regularly stressed.

Another learning, women are also more concerned than men (71 once morest 58%). “mental workload is the leading cause of stress for women: 48% of them say they are affected by family problems (vs. 32% for men) and 28% by the difficulty of reconciling personal and professional life (vs. 23% for men )”, summarizes the survey.

Stress, harmful to health

“The French are unanimous in saying that stress is bad for your health (91%). Certain preconceived ideas regarding stress have even been swept away: 73% of French people do not think that stress is motivating and for 64%, stress is not a success factor”, details this survey.

Among those surveyed, the manifestations that stand out the most are nervousness/irritability, sleep disturbances and fatigue. “Other symptoms caused by stress are also present in adults and young people, such as muscle tension / back pain, headaches / migraines, digestive disorders or even anxiety attacks”, completes the ‘study.



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