Russia to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on Belarus’ western border | Reuters

Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Grizlov said on Thursday that Russia would move tactical nuclear weapons closer to Belarus’ western border. File photo, Belarus and a checkpoint inside Ukraine near the Russian border, February 2022. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko

[3日 ロイター] – Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov said on Thursday that Russia will move tactical nuclear weapons closer to Belarus’ western borders.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 25 that he would deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.

The predominantly Slavic Russia and Belarus are part of a “federated state” and are in ongoing talks for further integration. The move has accelerated since the Belarusian government last year allowed Russia to send troops from Belarus to Ukraine.

“Weapons will be transferred to the western borders of the coalition states, which will increase the chances of security,” Grizlov told Belarusian state television. However, he did not specify where it would be deployed.

Belarus borders Lithuania and Latvia to the north and Poland to the west. All three countries are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

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