Check out seven tips for a balanced diet

One of the main difficulties in adopting a healthier life is reconciling eating habits with a busy routine. It is much easier to have a frozen meal or order a pizza than to prepare a salad, for example.

However, nutritionist Jussiara Corsini, from Tasty Salad Shop, says that it is possible to reconcile the rush with good food. “In our daily routine, we have several responsibilities, so we often don’t have time to practice healthy eating. But believe me: simple works,” she says.

To help with the challenge of eating well, the nutritionist separated seven tips on how to fulfill the mission:

1. Eat slowly

When swallowing food too fast, the person ends up eating more than necessary, does not chew properly and interferes with digestion, which promotes the feeling of swelling. So eat your meal slowly. Chew well and taste the meal.

2. Keep hydrated

Jussiara recommends drinking at least two liters of fluids a day, preferably water. “But it can also be coconut water, iced tea and natural juices without added sugar. Golden tip: always leave a bottle of water in your bag to facilitate consumption”, he suggests.

3. Avoid sugar

Try to taste foods with their natural flavor, without adding refined sugar. If you need to sweeten a recipe, give preference to brown sugar, which has some nutrients, or to the culinary sweetener. Both are less harmful options than traditional sugar.

4. Prioritize whole foods

Unlike processed foods, whole foods do not have the formula modified in the industrialization process — therefore, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber are maintained. A more fibrous food also provides greater satiety.

Fibers still help with intestinal transit, which avoids constipation, for example. Another great advantage is that the sugar in the food is gradually released into the bloodstream, even helping to prevent and control diabetes.

5. Consume fruits every day

Jussiara says that fruits are excellent options, as they are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and always act beneficially in our body. “Consume at least three servings a day and, whenever possible, vary the choice of fruits”, he recommends.

6. Bet on healthy snacks

Often, in the rush of everyday life, people are tempted to choose unhealthy options away from home, as it is much easier to find an industrialized snack. The ideal is to plan ahead and, on the busiest days, carry a mix of nuts, a wholemeal sandwich or fruit in your bag.

7. Include vegetables in your meals

Like fruits, vegetables and greens are sources of vitamins and minerals and should be consumed daily. Make a very colorful salad and eat before the main course, as the fibers will help reduce hunger before the main meal.

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