Announcement of Director Tadahiro Akiba | Shimizu S-Pulse Official Website

We are pleased to announce that Tadahiro Akiba has been appointed as the manager of Shimizu S-Pulse.

Tadahiro AKIBA

【place of birth】

Chiba Prefecture

【date of birth】

October 13, 1975

[player history]

Jef United Ichihara

– Avispa Fukuoka

– Cerezo Osaka

– Albirex Niigata

– Tokushima Vortis

– The Spa Kusatsu

– SC Sagamihara

[Teaching career]

2009 SC Sagamihara Supervisor

2011 Mito Hollyhock Head Coach

2013 Thespakusatsu Gunma Director

2014 U-21/U-22/U-23 Japan national team coach

2017 U-18/U-19/U-20 Japan national team coach

2020 Mito Hollyhock Director

2023 Shimizu S-Pulse Top Team Coach


Japan Football Association official S class coach license


“Everyone in the S-Pulse family who supports S-Pulse. The club is in an unprecedented situation right now. In order to overcome this predicament, it is necessary to gather the power of everyone who loves S-Pulse, build deeper bonds, and face the same direction to overcome this difficulty. I am convinced that it is possible because of the original 10 S-Pulse, so please lend me your strength for that. Finally, let’s make it a season where everyone can laugh together.”



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