The war in Ukraine marks 404 days this Monday since the Russian invasion. A well-known pro-Russian military blogger has been killed and 25 others have been injured in an explosion in a cafeteria in St. Petersburg (Russia) that would have belonged to the restaurant entrepreneur and head of the Wagner Group, Yevgueni Prigozhin, according to the local newspaper Fontanka.
On the other hand, Russian troops have recognized difficulties in completely taking over the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, in the eastern region of Donetsk, given the high human cost and recent criticism of the shortage of ammunition, which has led this Saturday to the military command from Russia to promise more supplies to the front.
Ukraine has acknowledged in recent days “partial successes” of the enemy, while Prigozhin has admitted the difficulties faced by mercenaries, due to Ukraine’s “bloody” resistance and the fact that the battle for Bakhmut “has left the Wagners quite battered”.
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