What do the videos that the government presented to the IMF say to review the goals

Before the board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved the revision of goals for the fourth quarter of 2022 of the program with Argentina, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massapresented a series of videos showing opportunities and difficulties of the country, where the situation that caused the fierce drought was highlighted.

The audiovisual pieces were presented to Janet YellenUnited States Secretary of the Treasury, Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, and Anthony Blink, Secretary of State, the day before the President Alberto Fernandez had his postponed meeting with his North American counterpart, Joe Biden.

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The videos brought by the head of the Palacio de Hacienda had four axes: “Mining”, “Drought”, “Vaca Muerta” and “Knowledge Economy. To make them, collaborated with Massa the US ambassador in Argentina, Marc Stanleyand Biden’s special advisor for Latin America, the Colombian Juan Gonzalez.

Throughout the clips, each lasting between two and three minutes, he describes the opportunities and characteristics of strategic sectors for economic development. In the case of the video regarding the “Drought”, she affirms that there are “173 million hectares affected and 11.5 million hectares dedicated to the agricultural production are at risk”.

Bilateral meeting between Alberto Fernández and Joe Biden.

The IMF technical staff had already evaluated compliance with the goals of the last quarter of last year and indicated that Reserve, fiscal and monetary targets were met. The easing of the reserve goal has as its counterpart the commitment of the Argentine government to apply “stronger policies” as called for by the IMF and speed up the reduction of energy subsidies, especially for higher-income sectors.

Argentina Mining

One of the data highlights that since 2020 there were investments in mining in our country for 11.31 trillion dollars. Among other objectives, it is intended to develop this sector to be “Environmentally sustainable”, “Socially inclusive”, “Economically integrated” and “Globally competitive”.

Knowledge economy in our country

The Knowledge Economy sector is the third most important export sector in Argentina, reports the video. In this sense, he clarifies that only in 2022 sold the world 7 billion dollars.

The great national hope: Vaca Muerta

On the oil field located in the neuquina basin in the provinces of Neuquén, Río Negro, La Pampa and Mendoza he said that “counts on the second largest reserves in the world in unconventional gas resources and fourth in unconventional oil resources“.

Drought that plagues Argentina

Regarding the phenomenon that has caused the country to lose economic opportunities, he warns that “the five regions” of Argentina are in danger. “The production of soybean decreased by 25.2% and corn by 21.4%“, indicates the piece, within the framework of the global food crisis.


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