Jonas and Laurent to conquer autonomy



Video length: 6 min.

France 2

Article written by

L.Legendre-Trousset, F.Motila, J.Cohen-Olivieri

France 2

France Televisions

Sunday April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. These disorders are still poorly understood, and their diagnosis remains a path strewn with pitfalls. Ten years ago, France Télévisions followed Laurent and Jonas. What have they become ?

Laurent Bernault, 43 years old autistic, multiplies the efforts to adapt to others and live in society. Several times a month, he does bodybuilding. Sport helps him manage his troubles. France Télévisions had met him ten years ago. Anxieties overwhelmed his daily life. He and his next door neighbor, Jonas Parent, also autistic, had just moved into independent apartments, and were learning to live on their own.


Over the years, Jonas had changed his profession to devote himself to cooking. He is always behind the stoves. For three months, he has been working at La Renaissance (ADAPEI 65), a top-of-the-range restaurant. He is in charge of the strategic position of meats and cooking. At 35, he now works full time. “It’s a little more tiring, but by dint of managing”, she assures. Laurent has changed apartments. He would like to share his life with a companion. “It would be nice to have a family, a wife and children”he confides.



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