Antivax, conspiracy and extreme right: dangerous liaisons

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INVESTIGATION. The extreme right and the conspiratorial sphere have engulfed the antivax movement. The contestation of vaccination is the symbol of the rejection of institutions.

Par Olivier Hertel

Reading time: 11 mins

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Lhe book, released on March 8 by Albin Michel, sold 15,000 copies in a few days. Anticipating, the publisher increased the circulation to 75,000. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices is an incredible bookstore phenomenon that has nothing to do with the adventures of the little wizard of Hogwarts. No, here, it is above all a question of the messenger RNA vaccine, of its putative disastrous effects which threaten the billions of people “injected” and “genetically modified”. With a small conspiratorial touch, the work being subtitled: “Everything that is hidden from you regarding messenger RNA”… Here, in broad outline, is the thesis defended by the author, Alexandra Henrion Caude, former researcher at Inserm, who became, during the pandemic, the passionaria of vaccine mistrust.

This success…



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