Another clash with advertising chaos in Warsaw. Laws difficult to enforce

Janina Blikowska
20-02-2023, last update 20-02-2023 12:42

In Warsaw, a draft of a landscape resolution is being prepared, which is to organize the urban space. The previous regulations were repealed by the Mazowieckie Voivode, and the administrative court upheld his decision.

author: Marcin Łobaczewski

source: Fotorzepa

– We hope that the current stage of presenting the draft resolution will become – following considering the comments of the social side and obtaining the approval of the city council – an important step towards the implementation of the strategic goal, which is to improve the quality of the capital’s space – says Marlena Happach, director of the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning the capital city hall.

A draft landscape resolution for Warsaw is being prepared. A public consultation on this matter will begin on February 24.

Railways approach to the resolution

Warsaw will present to the residents a draft resolution on the rules and conditions for locating small architecture objects, billboards and devices as well as fences. It is colloquially known as the landscape resolution.

Citizens will be able to comment on: advertisements, small architecture or fences.

The draft resolution is being consulted by the capital for the third time. – The regulations will improve the quality of the capital’s space – emphasizes the capital city hall.

For the first time, the draft landscape resolution was presented by the Warsaw authorities in 2017. After the update, the document was made available for public inspection.

– After considering the comments, we submitted the draft resolution to the Council of Warsaw. On January 16, 2020, the councilors almost unanimously adopted the document. happy.

However, this resolution was repealed by the Mazowieckie Voivode. Its further fate was decided by administrative courts of successive instances. This process took two years. As a result of court rulings, Warsaw was obliged to re-agree and make the document available. Now the authorities of Warsaw hope that the regulations will finally be passed.

– We hope that the current stage of presenting the draft resolution will become – following considering the comments of the social side and obtaining the approval of the city council – an important step towards the implementation of the strategic goal, which is to improve the quality of the capital’s space – says Marlena Happach.

The inhabitants of the capital city will be able to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the landscape resolution and submit their comments during public consultations. They will start on February 24 and will last until March 31.

Some cities already have such regulations

Landscape resolutions have been adopted by local governments for seven years, when the so-called landscape act. Landscape resolutions allow cities to decide on their own regarding the rules for placing media on their territory.

Ciechanów was one of the first local governments to adopt a landscape resolution. The resolution entered into force on May 21, 2016, but some of its provisions were questioned by the governor and the council had to make minor changes, e.g. attach a graphic attachment – a city plan divided into zones.

Łódź is the first voivodeship city that adopted a landscape resolution as early as in 2016, but has not yet enforced it.

However, so far only a few cities and municipalities have adopted regulations in this regard. And there are many reasons for that.

As experts explain, the problem is the very construction of resolutions, reconciling the order with the interests of business, and then great problems with enforcing in practice the provisions of local government spatial codes.



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