Julien Jouanneau, video William Smith
THE STORY OF…. On June 18, 1986, young Kamel Ouali had to leave his home to make way for the future Stade de France…
“My district of Seine-Saint-Denis was my cradle, the one my parents who emigrated from Kabylie had given to their twelve children…” On a beautiful sunny day, Kamel Ouali had to pack his bags and leave the house of his childhood. His neighborhood will be razed and make way for the future Stade de France. His whole family, from the youngest to the oldest, his neighbors, burst into tears. “The walls, the furniture, we take them, but there is one thing that we can’t take away, it’s the smell of this house” tries to reassure his big brother.
This is where Kamel was born, where he grew up, where he learned everything. Every square inch of this house is associated with memories. Its landmarks and its youth crumble to dust a few years later, on the day of the actual demolition.
In front of our camera, the future “Star Ac” teacher and current choreographer of “Mon Premier Cabaret” at the Paradis Latin remembers this great heartbreak…