Abu Faour affirms Jumblatt’s commitment to pursue a settlement through local and international efforts

MP Wael Abu Faour of the “Democratic Gathering” bloc spoke positively of Walid Jumblatt’s recent visit to Paris, stating that discussions were deep and important, and that they intend to continue their contacts both domestically and internationally. Speaking at a reconciliation meeting in Al-Suwairi, he emphasized the need for forgiveness, tolerance, and brotherhood to prevail throughout Lebanon. He also underscored the necessity of electing a consensus president who can correct Lebanon’s relationship with Arab countries and unite the Lebanese people. Mayor Hussein Amer thanked Abu Faour for his role in establishing a spirit of love and tolerance in the region, and the meeting attendees emphasized the importance of generalizing positive attitudes and building cooperation between the town and the region.

A member of the “Democratic Gathering” bloc, MP Wael Abu Faour, indicated that “the visit of the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, to Paris was good, and the discussion was deep and important, and we are continuing our contacts at home and abroad,” considering that “nothing is fast, and we hope that it will progress.” At a minimum, everyone is putting their cards on the table, and Walid Jumblatt, in what he is doing, has no goal but one goal, which is to get out of this situation in which we live and the misery that the Lebanese citizen lives in.

Abu Faour’s words came during his sponsorship of a reconciliation meeting in the town of Al-Suwairi in the house of the mayor, Youssef Zaytoun, following a family dispute that occurred with him, in the presence of Mayor Hussein Amer, Mayor of Al-Rawda Majid Al-Qaraouni, Mayor of Al-Muhaidtha Marwan Shrouf, and Mayors Adnan Al-Sumaili Fayez Zaytoun and Nasser Abu Zaid. Brigadier General Ali Al-Tahan, the Undersecretary of the Progressive Interior, Aref Abu Mansour, the former Undersecretary Nawaf Al-Taqi, the Commissioner Hussein Abu Mahmoud, and the Director of the Office of Representative Abu Faour Ali Ismail, members of the Agency, accreditors, and directors of the Progressive Branch in Al-Suwairi and Al-Rawdah, also attended the events.

He said, “May the spirit of reconciliation, forgiveness, tolerance, and brotherhood prevail at the country’s level, because we see the conditions in which Lebanon lives,” pointing out that “the only solution is to elect a president,” noting that “Walid Jumblatt is trying through his contacts internal and external, and he will continue his endeavor internally and externally, to get out of the crisis, to find a president of the republic, and we know that the president of the republic must be a consensus president, approved by him if not all of the parliament, then most of it, and that he be reformist and rescuer, and that he possesses one or two characteristics, The first is to be able to gather the Lebanese, and the second is to be able to correct Lebanon’s relationship with the Arab countries, because without the Arabs, there is no rescue or identity, and it is not only a matter of economic rescue, but this is our identity and this is our belonging.

Abu Faour continued: “I thank all of you for attending, because what binds us to Al-Suwairi is a relationship of love, friendship and family, and when I come to this town, I am only among my family, people and my community, and this is what applies to the people in the town of Al-Rawdah,” adding, “Al-Mukhtar has deep words, exploits and judgment.” We supply from it, and the activities of this town are a safety net in this region, and we are in continuous communication and coordination, and the experiences with Al-Suwairi are many, starting with the traffic accidents that were occurring, and its people proved their chivalry, brotherhood, courage and tolerance, and we magnify this matter and call for it to be circulated.

He said: “The problem today is unintentional, and it was forgivable.” He turned to the mukhtar and said: “You are generous and forgiving, and your responsibility towards us and towards the youth forces you to turn this page as you wish, because you gave us the same, and this is a passing disagreement that occurred between the family. Mayor Hussein Amer and the friend brother Maher, and all the brothers for their efforts, because this position today is a position of manhood and this page has been closed.”

The reconciliation meeting was attended by the mayor of Al-Suwairi, Hussein Amer, who stressed “the importance of spreading the atmosphere of reconciliation, tolerance and good relations,” considering that “what happened was not intended. He thanked Abu Faour for his initiative, care, and role in establishing a spirit of love and tolerance and building understandings, whether at the town level or at the local level.” The level of the region and the area of ​​the country, as the Mayor of Al-Rawdah Majed Al-Qaraouni spoke, so he saluted the mayor Zaitoun for his tolerant stance, which expresses authenticity, courage and wisdom in these circumstances, and he praised the efforts of Representative Abu Faour and his concern for the safety of the region and its people and his benevolent endeavors, so a word of welcome and an emphasis on reconciliation and on Cooperation, as was the speech of the Mukhtar Zaytoun in which he expressed his love for all, the spirit of reconciliation, and the position of Representative Abu Faour, which is valued by all, then a speech by the Mukhtar of the town of Majdal Anjar, Nasser Abu Zaid, during which he stressed the generalization of this positive atmosphere, then a speech by Muhammad Saeed Al-Sumaili in which he praised the positive atmosphere among all The components of the town, calling for the unity of the position and to serve the town and the region.

In conclusion, the reconciliation meeting sponsored by MP Wael Abu Faour in Al-Suwairi served as a reminder of the importance of spreading a spirit of love, tolerance, and good relations. As the Lebanese citizen continues to live in misery due to the ongoing crisis, the only solution is to elect a president who can gather the Lebanese, correct Lebanon’s relationship with the Arab countries, and possess characteristics that can lead to reform and rescue. With Walid Jumblatt’s endeavors both internally and externally, there is hope that progress can be made. Let us continue to strive towards reconciliation, forgiveness, and cooperation at all levels in Lebanon.



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