Natural smoothie to increase performance in the gym

modern life

Beyond attending the best gyms, the key to the results is in the balance between physical work, rest and food.


Exercise sessions in the gym are a method to carry out physical activity in a complete way and in a single space. This has the infrastructure to work different muscle groups, as well as spaces to develop physical resistance.

Most experts agree that, beyond attending the best gyms, the key to the results is in the balance between physical work, rest and foodbeing this last item one of the most important, as explained by the portal better with health.

According to him Psychology Studies Centersports performance is defined as the relationship between the means used to achieve a sporting objective and the result obtained. This is related to efficiency and the ability to obtain better results with the available resources.

Yogurt and avocado smoothie

This smoothie is recommended for those who seek to improve their sports performance because it provides the body with amino acids and healthy fats, according to Better with Health, that’s how it’s prepared

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 natural yogurt (125 g)
  • 3 spinach leaves
  • 4 strawberries
  • Extract the pulp of the ripe avocado and beat it in the blender with the other ingredients.
  • Process everything until you get a homogeneous drink.

An important habit is to adapt meals to training or competitions, so that digestion does not interfere with practice. It is best to eat easily digestible foods before a competition. Besides, athletes who develop long competitions usually consume foods such as bananas or dried fruits, as well as other sources of carbohydrates.

However, this will depend on the tolerance of each athlete.

Maintain the correct weight

One of the best habits to increase sports performance is hydration, because it also decreases the risk of injury. Experts point out that it is essential to hydrate before, during and following exercising, in order to replace the salts that are lost through sweat.

Consuming oatmeal before training also helps maintain optimal and regular performance during the exercise routine. If eaten post-workout, it will help replenish muscle glycogen stores.

In addition, it is a good source of iron, which turns out to be important to supply oxygen to the muscles during physical exertion. The deficiency of this element causes fatigue and decreased performance.

In that order of ideas, some presentations that can be made with this cereal and get the most out of it are:

Oatmeal: simply cook the oats with water or milk and add your favorite ingredients like fruit, nuts and honey.

Smoothies: Add ½ cup of oats to the smoothie for an extra boost of fiber.

Baked recipes: oats can be used in baking recipes such as muffins, cookies, and breads. You can even prepare your own cereal bars with oats, nuts and dried fruit.

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