parliament: Niat welcomes the strengthening of democracy

The President of the Senate rejoiced this April 1 at the end of the March session of the efforts carried out during two mandates to build a solid chamber.

Marcel Niat Njifenji is one of the 30 promoted whose mandate has just been renewed by presidential decree. It is therefore a President of the Senate particularly moved and grateful to the Head of State who closed the March session this Saturday.

At the head of the Senate since 2013, Marcel Niat Njifenji draws up a satisfactory assessment of the evolution of the institution. “During the two mandates that have just passed, I was able to appreciate our common ambition to set up an upper chamber dedicated to the consolidation of democracy, political pluralism, living together, the defense of institutions and republican values,” he noted. In addition, he welcomed the common commitment of senators to build the Senate on solid foundations, such as the attachment to peace and unity in diversity. For the speaker of the upper house of parliament, this has contributed to the strengthening of democratic life in Cameroon. “What was initially a project is now a reality, as evidenced by the regular holding of sessions, Bureau meetings and all other activities of our chamber,” he added.

A radiant room

According to the President of the Senate, the upper house has become an effective institution backed by a well-established administration, with appointed officials. But also with a workforce where gender parity is respected. Marcel Niat Njifenji also welcomes the fact that the Senate has quickly and widely internationalized with an active presence in interparliamentary cooperation bodies, on the one hand and by establishing bilateral partnerships with similar Chambers, somewhere else.
“Thanks to all these activities, we have laid a solid foundation for active parliamentary diplomacy at the service of our country,” acknowledged the President of the Senate.

As we approach the end of the term of senators of the 2nd legislature on April 11, 2023, Marcel Niat Njifenji urges his colleagues to remain vigilant in the face of security threats of all kinds. During this closing plenary, a minute of silence was observed for Senator Ankie Affiong Rebecca Amah and Honorable Jean-Bernard Ndongo Essomba, all of whom passed away recently.


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