Unemployment benefit, the good news has fallen for job seekers

Good news, a decree has recorded the exceptional revaluation unemployment benefits as of April 1. If you are registered with Pôle emploi, you will be entitled to a little more money. How much ? This is what we are going to see right away. Don’t worry, Objeko’s editorial staff will tell you everything regarding it. Are you ready ?

What is unemployment benefit?

The unemployment allowance or return to work allowance (ARE) is financial assistance granted to unemployed workers who have previously contributed to unemployment insurance. You should know that this benefit aims to compensate for the loss of income suffered during the period of unemployment. But who can get it exactly? Well it’s very simple. Indeed, to have it, you must have worked as an employee and have contributed to unemployment insurance for a minimum period, generally 4 months. You must also have lost your job involuntarily.

You should also know that you must register as a jobseeker and actively seek work to continue to receive the allowance. And good news for those who are registered with pole employment. Indeed, for the first time since the creation of the system, the allowance should see two increases in the same year. Incredible, isn’t it? Concretely, in addition to the July 1 increase, an exceptional revaluation of 1.9% was voted. It was during an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors of Unédic, the body responsible for managing unemployment insurance in France.

Insufficient revaluation according to the CGT

Force Ouvrière declared that this decision was taken following a collective initiative of the trade unions. The latter, in particular, obtained this revaluation to cope with galloping inflation and the decline in the purchasing power of job seekers. And when will this upgrade take place? Well, very soon. Subject of course to the approval of a decree by the Council of State. Although the CGT did not oppose the increase, it abstained during the vote. For her, the increase is not enough. On the contrary.

In a press release, the CGT explains that it hoped to obtain more. But that unfortunately, this might not be the case: “The employers only conceded a revaluation of 1.9%, despite inflation which reached 5.2% in 2022, and this shows a lack of consideration for people without jobs as well as for the minimum social and minimum wage“. For information, the revaluation represents an effort of the order of 600 million euros over 2023 and 2024. Which is not negligible, all the same.

How long can I receive unemployment benefit?

The length of time you can receive unemployment benefit varies. In particular depending on the contribution period and the age of the job seeker. But as a general rule, the duration of compensation varies from 4 to 36 months. You should also know that the workers of over 50 and workers with an extended contribution period may benefit from a longer compensation period. There you go, you know everything regarding it.



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