produced a new stamp – ><

The new stamps commemorating the 50 years of cooperation between China and Madagascar, made here in Nanisana, were officially released yesterday. From now on, everyone can use the 5,200 Ar stamp. “The stamps are intended to be used for government documents and for paying taxes,” said the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Tahina Razafindramalo. The stamp is still used by many people today as he said. The Chinese government has been working with the Malagasy government for decades, said the diplomatic relations officer at the Chinese embassy in Madagascar. They will show it, these stamps. It contains pictures of the infrastructure made by the Chinese and the fields to cooperate with them such as the rice plantation in Mahitsy and the Anosiala hospital. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Information Technology, Posts and Telecommunications, and representatives of the Chinese Embassy.

Tsiferana R.



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