Employees at Nishihara Shokai Kagoshima marked the start of the new fiscal year with a joining ceremony. The event took place at the company’s head office in Kagoshima City, where food wholesaler Nishihara Shokai Group welcomed 67 new employees on 1st April. Seven of these new recruits are from Nepal and Ukraine. During the ceremony, company President Kazumasa Nishihara encouraged the new employees to enjoy their work and grow quickly. The new employee representative was also appointed during the ceremony. New recruits will be trained until the 3rd before being assigned to their respective sales offices on the 5th of April.
Joining ceremony at the start of the new fiscal year Ukrainian employees also take a new step Nishihara Shokai Kagoshima[04/01 12:10]
The new fiscal year starts today, April 1st. An initiation ceremony was held at a company in Kagoshima City.
(Representative of new employees, Taiyo Nakauchi) “While constantly pursuing growth, we will create a bright future for Nishihara Shokai.”
The Nishihara Shokai Group, a food wholesaler for businesses such as hotels and restaurants, held a joining ceremony at the head office in Kagoshima City on the first day of the new year.
This year, 67 people joined the company, including 7 foreigners from Nepal and Ukraine. President Kazumasa Nishihara encouraged them, saying, “I want you to enjoy your work, work hard, and grow quickly.” And the appointment was handed to the new employee representative.
(Mr. Otowa Doi, a new employee) “(Nishihara Shokai) was my dream, so I’m very happy to finally be able to join the company and work with my seniors.”
(New employee Katerina Gleba from Ukraine) “I was nervous when the initiation ceremony started. I will do my best.”
(Mr. Threst Parakas, a new employee from Nepal) “I’m going to do sales. I want to do my best.”
After receiving training until the 3rd, new employees will be assigned to their respective sales offices on the 5th of this month.
As the new fiscal year begins, we witness the joining ceremony of 67 new employees at Nishihara Shokai Kagoshima, including foreign hires from Nepal and Ukraine. President Kazumasa Nishihara encourages the new members to work hard and grow quickly in pursuit of the company’s growth. It is heartening to see such enthusiastic fresh minds joining the workforce and bringing diversity, and we wish them the best in their future endeavors at the company.