what happened to the mafioso Rosario after the success of “Italians in Russia”

Everyone knew regarding the bandit’s hobby.

In the 70s, the comedy “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia” was released. The film starred Soviet and Italian actors. Surely many will remember the mafioso Rosario Agro performed by Tano Cimarosa. How was the fate of the colorful Italian actor?

After Ryazanov’s comedy, Tano continued to play bandits in his homeland and gained considerable success. The actor looked so natural in the image of gangsters that he often received compliments from admiring mafiosi. Cimarosa also tried himself as a director and made crime films. The artist had another interesting hobby – the family puppet theater.

Cimarosa from childhood helped his father, who was engaged in dolls. From a young age, the future actor gave performances in local provincial theaters, and later he himself took up collecting rare items. Tano made many dolls himself and gave them to his friends and relatives without any reason. The life of the actor ended dramatically. He passed away at the age of 86. He died all alone, next to Tano were only his adored puppets, to which he devoted his whole life.

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