Kirchnerism will march to the courts of Comodoro Py to support Cristina

The Council of Buenos Aires Justicialista Partyheaded by Máximo Kirchner, met at the La Plata headquarters and decided to call a march in favor of Vice President Cristina Kirchner on April 13 in front of the Courts Comodoro Py federals.

That date was chosen especially because 7 years have passed since the speech that the head of the Senate gave in that scenario following being summoned to an inquiry by the late judge Claudio Bonadio.

“Among those present arose the proposal to carry out actions on April 13 in support of the Vice President of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. That day marks the 7th anniversary of the popular demonstration of support for the two-time president of the Nation persecuted by the judicial mafia,” said the space.

In the midst of the fierce internship of the Frente de Todos, the Buenos Aires PJ will reactivate the operative “outcry” for the former president to review her refusal not to be a candidate this year.

During the meeting, the poverty index known this Thursday was also questioned –39.2% in the second half of 2022– and launched harsh criticism of the Supreme Court for its ruling in favor of the City for co-participation.

“At the meeting, a general balance was made of the current situation that the province is going through and the challenges of Peronism. In this sense, proposals for actions to be carried out within the framework of the electoral year that require political responses that improve the lives of the people of Buenos Aires were proposed, “said the PJ from Buenos Aires.

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