Emergency in Lambayeque: Chiclayo is flooded after about ten hours of rain

The persistent rain of approximately ten hours that the city of Chiclayo endured on Wednesday followingnoon and that lasted until 2:00 in the morning today, left its urbanizations and young towns seriously affected, with flooded streets turned into veritable swimming pools and the collapsed sewage system.

The worst is The National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi) announces that the rains will continue until at least April 3. That is why they are asking for help from the competent authorities.

The situation in Lambayeque, as in other northern regions, is worrisome given the Senamhi weather advisory announcing heavy rains until Monday, April 3.

While, The Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) in a meeting with the Lambayeque authorities proposes a short-term plan to work on the river defenses of the La Leche and Motupe rivers. There they will attend to the emergency in six points and another six in the La Leche river, with the clearing of banks and protection with geobags.

In the city, the situation becomes worrying because the rainwater mixed with sewage, which has been causing serious contamination and the emanation of nauseating odors that generate serious discomfort in the neighbors.

The ARCC has a short-term plan to work on riparian defenses at six points on the La Leche River and another six on the Motupe River.

Wastewater mixes with stagnant water

As a result of the heavy rainfall, water entered the houses and the roads were completely flooded, preventing the normal movement of people and vehicles. The sandbags that they placed on the doors of the houses failed to contain the force of the water.

Two of the most affected urbanizations are San Eduardo and Federico Villarreal. Over there, the residents have to live with the stagnant water in front of their homes and on top of that emitting unpleasant odors.

They indicated that the situation is unbearable, because the drinking water has mixed with the drainage and they cannot use it for human consumption or to prepare their foodso they must buy drums with treated water.

Another of the affected places is the Moshoqueque wholesale market, in the José Leonardo Ortiz district, where the stalls were completely flooded. The neighbors demanded the prompt help of the Regional Government of Lambayeque and the Epsel sanitation company, to evacuate the pestilential and contaminated water accumulated in the streets.

Suspend school work

So much Vehicular and pedestrian traffic is impossible in various areas of Chiclayo. Added to this is the fact that the drains have collapsed and sewage runs alongside the accumulated rainwater.

This determined the closure of several roads that hinder the passage of vehicles and therefore, among other measures, the Lambayeque Regional Education Management, in coordination with the UGEL Chiclayo, Ferreñafe and Lambayeque, determined that both public and private educational institutions culminate this week of virtual mode, before the intense rains presented.

Citizens in general had difficulties getting to their work centers, especially when passing through the intersection of Elías Aguirre streets and Grau avenue, given the amount of accumulated water. Thus, there were also difficulties in reaching the emergency area of ​​Hospital Las Mercedes and even the historic center of the city.

Cleaning service crews from the provincial municipality and cisterns to collect stagnant water, work hard to give citizens a bit of peace of mind.

(This situation) “occurs due to the negligence of the authorities,” says a victim

According to the information that is known, In Ferreñafe, the Taymi canal collapsed, destroying the road and bridge that connects two towns. In addition, there are dozens of houses affected. A similar situation exists in Tumán, Pátapo and Olmos.

A dozen rustic material houses that were on the banks of the old channel, in the La Primavera sector, collapsed. And part of the infrastructure of the bridge of the same name was left up in the air. The flow devastated part of the track that connects said population with the urban area of ​​Mesones Muro”, residents referred to RPP.

(This situation) “is due to the negligence of the authorities because they never built a retaining wall in the old channel. We are the losers because we have lost everything. We urgently ask that they relocate us because new rains may be recorded,” said Máximo Mendoza, a 75-year-old citizen.

Report by Semanario Expresión, member of the Regional Media Network of Peru

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