“We came with three children from Venezuela looking for a better life and I almost lost my husband in the fire in Ciudad Juárez”

  • Marcos Gonzalez Diaz
  • BBC News World. Special envoy to Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

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image source, Courtesy


Viangly Infante arrived in Mexico with her three children and her husband, who nearly lost his life in the fire in Ciudad Juárez.

The smoke from the fire that killed 39 migrants in Ciudad Juárez was regarding to not only interfere with her dream of crossing into the United States to start a new life, but also cause her husband to lose his.

Viangly Infante, a 31-year-old Venezuelan, became the face of one of the greatest tragedies among the migrant population of Mexico when last Monday she was in the center of the National Institute of Migration (INM) that went up in flames with dozens of people. trapped inside.

Among them was her husband, Eduard Caraballo, with whom she arrived in Mexico with her three children five months ago. He was able to save himself, although for the first few minutes, his wife he feared the worst.

In some photos and videos that went around the world, Infante appears disconsolate on the night of the accident, hitting the ambulance in which her husband was unconscious and screaming non-stop crying for her “black”, as she calls him.



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