One of those responsible for the death of a CEB worker in Bariloche is dismissed

The Judge of Guarantees Víctor Gangarrosa issued the dismissal of Carlos Galvánaccused of the death of an operator of the Bariloche Electricity Cooperative on July 25, 2014, following fulfilling the provisions of the suspension of the trial on trial.

Prosecutor Guillermo Lista explained the reason for which he requested the hearing. The event occurred nine years ago, at 2700 Esandi Street. On that occasion, a gang of CEB workers operated under the orders of foremen Galván and Carlos Fernandez Sandersand was executing a construction project for a substation with a 63 kva transformer.

Lista described that following starting the task, prior to the assembly of the transformer, the project managers verified that the height at which the pole was buried was not correct and ordered it raised. “The crane removed the pole, filled the hole, and the crane moved it back to the correct height. The crane raised the 500 kilo transformer. The pole began to move and fell, along with the transformer, on Víctor Hugo Rodríguez, causing his death from crushing head trauma.”, recounted the prosecutor.

I consider that “the foremen acted negligently” and said that “they were the most experienced in the place, they gave orders and they did not verify the stability of the pole.” Also, he pointed out, they allowed more than one person to climb the pole.

In August 2019, the prosecutor in the Betiana Cendón case considered Galván charged for considering him responsible for the crime of manslaughter and, in March 2020, there was an agreement between the parties.

“It was arranged the disqualification of Galván for 5 years to carry out tasks as a foreman and have people in charge. AND 250 hours of community tasks”, List pointed out.

He stressed that today “the judicial office reported on compliance with the guidelines of conduct. There was a payment of 27,000 pesos for the 250 hours of community work, which were destined for the Bariloche hospital. Regarding the disqualification for 5 years to carry out tasks, It happened that this period exceeded 3 years from trial to trial. So the disqualification would already be fulfilled”.

“This Public Ministry believes that it is appropriate to conclude the process of suspending the trial on trial and promote the extinction of the criminal action,” List concluded.

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