Foods that reduce uric acid naturally

Uric acid is a chemical the body produces when it breaks down purines, substances found in many foods and that the body itself can also create, which are present in the blood and are processed and disposed of by the kidneys to maintain a natural balance.

However, sometimes due to excessive intake of foods rich in purine, it is not fully broken down or is not disposed of properly, which is why accumulations in the blood can occur that cause diseases such as gout, which causes swelling, pain and reduced mobility in some parts of the body.

That is why it is important to maintain a good balance of this chemical with the help of food, one of the most effective ways to control everything that happens in the body, thanks to the natural benefits that nature provides through fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots and others.

There are three main fruits among the foods that help regulate uric acid. The apple is the first of them and is the protagonist because it is “rich in malic acid, which helps neutralize uric acid in the blood”, as the portal mentions. On the other hand, there are lemon and cherries and they work differently. The green fruit works with its citric acid and the red one acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Finally, the miraculous ginger is added to these fruits, which also fulfills the same function as cherries, but also works as an exemplary diuretic that makes uric acid fulfill its function in its entirety and is directed to the organs that later they will discard it naturally.

It should be noted that the home remedies that can be made with these fruits and this plant, which do not include other foods that provide added fats or sugarsthey will help not only uric acid at a healthy level, but also other organs and parts of the body that benefit from the aforementioned properties.

Foods to Avoid

It may be that the body is being given doses of fruits and plants that help its natural regulation, but it is useless if other types of foods are ingested during the main meals that are harmful to the body, especially when they help to increase uric acid in the blood, so it is essential to be very clear regarding those foods that should be restricted.

Foods rich in purines such as red meat, poultry, shellfish, and high-fat fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, as reported by the portal your healthgreatly increase uric acid levels, in addition to providing fats and carbohydrates that cause weight gain and other problems related to the heart, so it is good to portion them properly and consume them in a very controlled way.

It is important to include in the daily diet diuretic elements rich in vitamin C, such as cucumber, parsley, orange and pineapple, In addition to including the constant consumption of water throughout the day, two liters being the perfect amount to properly hydrate the body.

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