Category 1 aviation delayed until June, says SICT

The expected recovery of the aviation category 1 for Mexico will be delayed until the end of June, as reported by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation.

It should be remembered that the He knows would have pointed out that in April or May would be when they would return to this category.

The Undersecretary of Transport of the SICT, Rogelio Jimenez Ponsexplained that progress has been made in the process of solving the irregularities found by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as well as the lack of approval of the reforms to the law of aviation that were presented in the Congress of the Union.

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“Not any company is going to arrive in Mexico and it is going to open a Cancun-Guadalajara route or in Tijuana; there will be several indications, reciprocity, that it is of national interest. It is fundamental for this, which has as its object favors the destinations ”said in Press conference Jiménez Pons.

The proposal was sent by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador al Congress in December, which was expected by the air sector.

It was in May 2021 when the American authority came down to the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) a category 2 to find 39 irregularitiespreventing Mexican airlines from open routes y put more flights to the neighboring country.



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