In Harbin, Xu Qin attends symposium on stabilizing soybean production, joins Tang Renjian and colleagues, and welcomes Liang Huiling’s participation.

On March 31, 2023 at 11:25:27, news from Heilongjiang Daily reported that a symposium on stabilizing soybean production was held in Harbin. The meeting was presided over by Tang Renjian, Director of the Central Agricultural Office and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Liang Huiling, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, attended and delivered a speech.

Xu Qin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, and Liang Huiling, met with Tang Renjian before the meeting. Xu Qin expressed gratitude towards the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for their long-term support towards Heilongjiang’s “three rural” work. Heilongjiang is implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Two Sessions, benchmarking the deployment of the Central Rural Work Conference, focussed on serving the construction of a strong agricultural country.

Tang Renjian emphasized the importance of soybean production in Heilongjiang province, making a good combination of policies, striving to increase the income of soybean planting, and fully mobilizing farmers’ enthusiasm for the same. The research and development and promotion of high-yield and high-oil soybean varieties needs to be accelerated. Establishing a working mechanism for administrative departments to provide guarantees and technical experts is essential. The land reclamation system and new agricultural management entities need to be mobilized, and socialized services should be carried out on a large scale for improving technical coverage and availability.

Liang Huiling stressed the importance of keeping in mind the “big country”, strengthening responsibility, and resolutely completing the task of stabilizing soybean production and supply. Good fields, good seeds, good opportunities, and good methods should be combined to develop moderate-scale planting, aiming for good planting, good output, and good supply. Anchoring the goal of building a strong agricultural country, scientific and technological agriculture, green agriculture, quality agriculture, and brand agriculture need to be vigorously developed, and rural revitalization needs to be comprehensively promoted.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the Central Provincial Government, principal responsible comrades of key soybean production city and county governments, representatives of major planters, and business entities attended the meeting.

March 31, 2023 11:25:27

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

Author: Xue Liwei Cao Zhongyi Xu Jiaqian

News from our newspaper (reporter Xue Liwei, Cao Zhongyi, Xu Jiaqian) On the morning of the 29th, a symposium on stabilizing soybean production was held in Harbin. Before the meeting, Xu Qin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, and Liang Huiling, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, met with Tang Renjian, Director of the Central Agricultural Office and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Tang Renjian presided over the symposium, and Liang Huiling attended and delivered a speech.

Zhang Xingwang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Wang Qiushi, Vice Governor of the Province attended the meeting and attended the symposium. Zhang Yazhong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, attended the symposium.

On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Xu Qin welcomed Tang Renjian and his party, and thanked the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for its long-term strong support for Heilongjiang’s “three rural” work. He said that Heilongjiang is thoroughly implementing the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Two Sessions, benchmarking the deployment of the Central Rural Work Conference, focusing on serving the construction of a strong agricultural country, and vigorously implementing actions to increase food production capacity and large food production. We will comprehensively promote the high-quality development of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” through practical actions, modern agricultural revitalization actions, rural construction actions, and farmers’ common prosperity actions. Heilongjiang resolutely acts as a “ballast stone” for maintaining national food security, resolutely shoulders the political responsibility for ensuring stable production and supply of soybeans, and implements in-depth soybean production capacity improvement projects to ensure the completion of annual soybean production tasks. It is hoped that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to care about the revitalization and development of Longjiang, and give strong support in the implementation of the 10 million tons of grain production increase plan, the protection of black soil, the construction of the Jiamusi National Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone, and the cultivation and expansion of the intelligent agricultural machinery industry, etc., to help Longjiang become a good company The vanguard of agricultural modernization and the first to build a strong agricultural province.

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Tang Renjian pointed out that the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to soybean production, and the current intended planting area is basically stable, so it is necessary to continue to pay close attention to the implementation. Make a good combination of policies, strive to increase the income of soybean planting, and fully mobilize farmers’ enthusiasm for soybean planting. Accelerate the research and development and promotion of high-yield and high-oil soybean varieties, establish a working mechanism for administrative departments to provide guarantees and technical experts to contact counterparts, and provide village joint households to recommend applicable varieties and technologies, give full play to the role of the land reclamation system and new agricultural management entities, and carry out socialized services on a large scale. Comprehensively improve technical coverage and availability. Strengthen the connection between production, processing and sales, give full play to the role of central enterprises such as China Grain Storage to help farmers sell soybeans, guide superior soybean processing enterprises to deploy in production areas, and improve processing capabilities.

Liang Huiling said that we must fully implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, keep in mind the “big country”, strengthen responsibility, resolutely complete the task of stabilizing soybean production and supply, strictly implement responsibilities to tap potential, strengthen policy support to stabilize the area, and insist on comprehensive policies to increase per unit production , extend the industrial chain to accumulate kinetic energy, promote the combination of good fields, good seeds, good opportunities, and good methods to develop moderate-scale planting, and ensure good planting, good output, and good supply. Anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, make every effort to do a good job in the key tasks of “three rural areas”, adhere to a variety of grains and grow good grains, vigorously develop scientific and technological agriculture, green agriculture, quality agriculture, and brand agriculture, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Make every effort to do a good job in preparation for cultivation, promote the implementation of grain and soybean oil production tasks, speed up the progress of preparation for cultivation, improve the quality of preparation for cultivation, and lay a solid foundation for a bumper harvest of grain throughout the year.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the Central Provincial Government, principal responsible comrades of key soybean production city and county governments, representatives of major planters, and business entities attended the meeting.

In conclusion, the symposium on stabilizing soybean production held in Harbin brought together leaders from the provincial government and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as well as representatives from major planters and business entities. During the meeting, strategies were discussed to mobilize farmers’ enthusiasm for soybean planting, improve technical coverage, and strengthen the connection between production, processing, and sales. The aim was to fully implement national policies and ensure stable production and supply of soybeans. Heilongjiang is committed to playing a vital role as a “ballast stone” in maintaining national food security, and taking practical actions to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of “agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.” It is hoped that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to care about the development of Heilongjiang, and provide strong support in various aspects to help build a strong agricultural province.

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