First ExpoFem of sport and physical activity for women in Córdoba

Next Saturday, April 15, the Club Municipalidad facilities open their doors to the entire sports community to experience a day of physical and recreational activities within the framework of ExpoFem ’23 organized by the Subsecretariat for Sport and Recreation of the Municipality of Córdoba. , together with other sports federations and government areas, both provincial and in the capital city.

The activity, with free and open access, will take place throughout the Club Municipalidad (Avellaneda 2751), between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 15.

It will have stands that will provide information on different sports and activities (location of the club or the Federation, benefits of the discipline, costs of the activity, etc.), exhibitions of sports and physical practices, talks, educational and training training that respond to the campaigns. awareness regarding sport, health and gender.

The event is framed in the context of the fight for equal opportunities.

Sport and recreation are great educational and training tools that leave significant teachings and messages in society. With these premises as objectives, this ExpoFem ’23 was designed to promote participation, orientation, inclusion and the development of the different provincial and municipal sports proposals at a private or state level.

The organization, in charge of the Undersecretariat of Sport and Recreation, is an articulated work with associations and sports federations of Córdoba, together with different areas of the Municipality and the provincial Government.



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