Salzburg AG keeps its word and lowers electricity prices with a new tariff

From June 1st, private customers will pay 19.90 cents per kWh

Salzburg (OTS) Salzburg AG keeps its word and lowers the electricity price for private customers in Salzburg with a new tariff offer from June 1, 2023 to 19.90 cents net/kWh. As announced, a price adjustment will be carried out as soon as there is scope for a reduction. With the new tariff, Salzburg AG is one of the cheapest provincial energy suppliers in Austria. Even among the alternative energy suppliers in Salzburg, no company currently offers a net working price with a fixed price of less than 20 cents/kWh. Salzburg AG already suspended a price increase for gas at the beginning of the year and is offering one of the cheapest tariffs in Austria at 4.98 cents net/kWh.

“Our focus is clearly on our customers. As promised and also requested by our Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Governor Wilfried Haslauer, we are therefore implementing a price reduction for our customers as soon as we see room for manoeuvre. After careful examination and evaluation, this will be possible from June 1, 2023 and we are offering our approximately 250,000 private customers who are supplied with electricity by a new, cheaper tariff,” say Michael Baminger and Brigitte Bach, the board members of Salzburg AG .

Salzburg AG is in good contact with the Salzburg Chamber of Labor. The new tariff will already be designed with the involvement of the expertise of the AK in such a way that there is legal certainty. This must be ensured in the interests of the customers and the company. “We would like to thank President Peter Eder and his team for the constructive discussions and the trust that has been built up,” say Baminger and Bach. As far as the legal opinion of the Chamber of Labor is concerned, one remains in contact with the Chamber of Labor.

New tariffs from June 1, 2023

From June 1, 2023, Salzburg AG will reduce the electricity price and offer new tariffs for private customers. The energy price drops from the previous 27.00 cents net/kWh in the new tariff to 19.90 cents net/kWh. From May, customers will receive an offer to actively switch to the new tariff. To this end, the company is working flat out on the new tariff landscape and the exact switching process. The details of the process will be communicated to all customers by May at the latest. All of the company’s actions and relief packages that have already been taken will continue as usual. This also includes the package with up to 100 days of free electricity for trade and agriculture.

Heat package from Salzburg AG: Further simplification for e-heating

As already announced, Salzburg AG has launched its own support package in addition to the federal and state measures in order to relieve customers in the current “Power Heat OK” tariff as best as possible. For customers with electric storage heating and direct heating with their own meter, there is the subsidy from Salzburg AG, which caps the net energy costs up to 2900 kWh annually with 10 cents/kWh. In addition, the price from 2900 kWh will be capped at 20 cents from April 1st. The changeover runs automatically for all customers. As part of the new tariff landscape, the “electricity heat OK” tariff will also be redesigned as of June 1, 2023.

Gas price was not increased

The situation on the global energy market was and still is very tense. Gas prices in particular saw unprecedented price increases on the international stock exchanges last year. Despite these extreme upheavals on the energy market, Salzburg AG was able to keep the gas price for its customers at a very low price level compared to the rest of Austria. With a price for the standard product “Erdgas OK” of 4.98 cents net/kWh, customers of Salzburg AG often save more than 1500 euros gross compared to other providers with a consumption of 15,000 kWh per year.

Customers stay in focus: #we are working on it

“Our entire population is facing major challenges right now. Salzburg AG is working in all areas to be a reliable and fair partner for our customers, even in these difficult times. Therefore, the following still applies: As soon as there is further leeway, we will use it for our customers,” say the Salzburg AG board members Michael Baminger and Brigitte Bach.

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