Successful and unique on the domestic media market: RegionalMedien Austria occupy a top position

Vienna (OTS)

  • with 128 newspaper editions, the national media company reaches 2.931 million readers*
  • reliable size with 38.5% print range*

In the course of the media analysis data published today, the media of RegionalMedien Austria reach a total of 2.931 million readers* throughout Austria.
We are proud that, with our strength as a media company, we can count this large number of people among our readers throughout the country. After the switch in October 2021 to a common brand identity for all our media, we as a group of companies can make even better use of our enormous potential. Our readership knows and trusts us and our expertise, with which we are represented with local news on all channels – be it print or digital on“, confirms Gerhard Fontan, CEO of RegionalMedien Austria.

With regional news on the pulse of time.

With its numerous regional contents and the wide-ranging, extensive target group, RegionalMedien Austria underlines its high relevance on the domestic media market.
Trust in us as a national media company is great and we are aware of this responsibility. The proximity to one’s own living environment and the news from the Grätzel are and will remain an important part for our readers. This is what we stand for as a reliable partner in the region“, Gerhard Fontan puts it in a nutshell.

The 128 local weekly newspapers from RegionalMedien Austria are delivered weekly to households throughout Austria free of charge.

*Source: MA 2022 (survey period 01/2022-12/2022). Net reach: Readers per issue of RegionalMedien Austria in total in Austria 14plus, fluctuation range ±0.8%. RegionalMedien Austria as a whole (weekly, free of charge): district newspapers in Burgenland, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol; week in Carinthia, Styria; district newspaper in Vienna; Cooperation partners: BezirksRundSchau in Upper Austria, regional newspapers in Vorarlberg.

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Questions & contact:

RegionalMedien Austria
Mag. Kerstin Traschler
Head of Marketing and Communication
M +43/664/80 666 8200



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