Blue dollar today: minute by minute of the price of this Thursday, March 30, 2023

He blue dollar today Thursday March 30 2023, prior to the opening of the informal market, it is listed at $389,00 for purchase and $393,00 for sale.

After touching a all-time high of $397the parallel North American currency will open the fourth round of the week with a loss of $4.

In its last trading day, the blue rose $7. So far in 2023, the blue dollar accumulates a rise of $48 following closing 2022 at $346.

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How much is the official dollar today?

According to the blackboard of BBank of the Argentine Nation (BNA)the official dollar today Thursday March 30th trades at $207,00 for purchase and $215,00 for sale.

How much is the dollar MEP

He mep dollaralso know as dollar purse trades at $382,56 for purchase and $384,21 for sale.

How much is the dollar CCL

El dollar counted with settlement (CCL) is located on the blackboards $393,45 for purchase and $396,84 for sale.

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How much is the blue dollar trading today?

How much is the crypto dollar worth?

through operations with cryptocurrencieshe crypto dollar trades at $378,00 for the purchase now $387,00 for sale.

How much is the Qatar dollar worth?

He qatar dollar that applies to consumption abroad with debit and credit cards of more than 300 dollars a month, quote this Thursday March 30 a $430,18.

This new exchange rate includes 30% COUNTRY tax, 45% deductible from Income and Goods Tax.

How much does the euro blue trade at today

In the informal market, the euro blue today list this thursday March 30 a $418,00 for purchase and $423,00 for sale.

The so-called blue euro is the one that circulates in the parallel market, also called the “black market”, and usually has a higher value than the official one.

How much is the official euro today?

According to the blackboard National Bankthe official euro today Thursday March 30th listed on the market at $222,00 for purchase and $232,00 for sale.

How much is the official real and real blue today?

The official royal, the official currency of BrazilIt is March 30 listed on the formal market $38,90 for purchase and $42,90 for sale, according to the blackboard of the National Bank.

For its part, the real blue is currently trading on the parallel market at $82,00 y $87,00 for buying and selling respectively.

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Risk country

He risk country is an indicator developed by the JP Morgan which measures the difference that US Treasury bonds pay once morest those of the rest of the countries.

It is Thursday March 30said index places the country risk at 2,365 basis points.


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