Flávio Dino’s testimony at the CCJ represented the triumph of Politics over ignorance and opportunism

Dino buried, with just his verve, a list of pathetic and lying narratives of Bolsonarism. The minister transformed what the opposition thought would be moments of embarrassment for him, into a show of solid arguments in defense of democracy, rights and the Lula government

Flávio Dino (Bruno Spada/Chamber of Deputies)

Miguel do Rosário, in O Cafezinho

One of the most bitter misfortunes that has befallen Brazilian society in recent years has been the hegemony of anti-political sentiment. There is no civilization, human dignity, peace and, above all, democracy, without Politics, with a capital P, being respected as the only instrument by which human beings resolve their dilemmas and conflicts.

However, for politics to occupy this central place in the public debate, a minimum understanding between people is necessary. This understanding presupposes, above all, the willingness to listen to the opposing argument, with benevolence and impartiality.

But not just that. Politics materializes in speech, in text, gesture, voice, of the citizen. Without this act of communication, it still cannot be considered as a political phenomenon. Before communication, Politics is just an idea, without the incredible power to transform the world, a power it acquires whenever it escapes the silence of the spirit and comes to life.

For it, Politics, to stop being just an idea, and become what it is, a power, that is, for it to give birth to itself, courage, integrity and clarity are needed.

To be born, therefore, Politics needs a human being worthy of its paternity. Ecce homo. This Tuesday, March 28, 2023, we witnessed the testimony of Flavio Dino, Minister of Justice and Public Security, with the pleasure with which Athenians once listened to Demóstenes.

However, it would be a big mistake to attribute the success of Flávio Dino, during the Hearing at the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ), only to his rhetorical virtuosity. Or rather, it is always good to remember Aristotle’s lesson, in his Art of Rhetoric, that “that which is true and naturally best lends itself best to syllogism and is most subject to persuasion.” That is, despite politics having the bad reputation, unfortunately with reason, of harboring an immense variety of swindlers, capable of inventing and lying as easily as someone who drinks a glass of water, the “strategic advantage” of being on the side of the truth and justice is always an important asset.

This is the case of Flavio Dino. What did he do at the CCJ Hearing? What are the vulnerable points of your administration that the opposition could attack? Dino already knew what they were, and came armed to the teeth with arguments as powerful as they were simple.

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Federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira, known by a curious nickname, asked the same question that several other parliamentarians had repeatedly asked. In fact, more than a question, Nikolas and other deputies attempt a desperate attack on the most basic common sense, creating a parallel reality in which the Bolsonarist movement, of which they themselves are leaders, has no responsibility for what its own members do. Something like this: Nazi militias roamed the streets of Munich and Berlin, vandalizing stores, beating up Jews, Asians and blacks, promoting all kinds of violence, but the fault is not with the Nazi movement, but with the social-democratic government, which was “negligible”. ”… Nor was Hitler to blame, although the Nazi leader daily promoted hatred, sectarianism and extremism in his speeches.

Now, it would not be difficult for a speaker less talented than Dino to respond to the ridiculous “accusations” of Bolsominion parliamentarians, according to which the blame for January 8 would, in fact, be the victims, that is, the government attacked, and not the leaders policies that, with their anti-democratic preaching (not to mention their active financing), fomented an insurrection with an explicitly fascist character.

But Dino is Dino, perhaps the most talented orator alive today in Brazil, and he turned what the opposition thought would be moments of embarrassment for him, into a show of solid arguments in defense of the Lula government and against the fallacies and crimes of the opposition leaders , especially against “Il Duce” from the Miami – Barra da Tijuca axis, the terrorist leader of the militiamen, the “myth” of fascists in pajamas, former president Jair Bolsonaro.


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