“While he abused me, he said he wanted to make me happy and I wouldn’t let him”

“The first opportunity we discussed hit me and with a knife he stabbed me three times in the right leg». «Once he took me to the foot of the fence, he pointed a gun at my head and I had to apologize on my knees. He triggered me and the bullet did not come out, I did not know that it was discharged ». “While he abused me, he told me that he wanted to make me happy and I wouldn’t let him.” “After abusing me he lay next to me on the bed, he stroked my hair and told me that to show me that he was good, he was going to wait for me to fall asleep and just then he was going to cut my throat to kill me».

In the face of the frightened silence of the popular jury, MP (31), a gender violence survivorrecounted one by one the episodes he suffered at the hands of JA (28), accused of attempted femicide, aggravated sexual abuse, aggravated threats, and burning the house. The events occurred in Plottier throughout 2021.

During the 30 minutes that it lasted, his account was an incessant rain of facts that soaked to the bone. At times she seemed like she was talking regarding something that had happened to another person, because as explained by psychologists and social workers who treated her, she violence is naturalized and sometimes dissociates it, as a defense mechanism.

institutional deafness

MP has a 7-year-old son; his father has passed away. When she got involved with the defendant JA in a relationship that lasted 4 years, the child was left in the midst of violent situations, and for this reason they took possession of it and gave it to the maternal grandmother.

That distanced her from her family and gave rise to her disbelief in institutions. “They left me alone. I yelled for help, I got tired of asking for help and they were not able to do anything»told in the hearing this Wednesday.

The only answer he got was the loss of custody of the son. AND the desire to get it back was what saved his life. «She is a mother with a strong desire to maternity who felt judged, they were telling her that she wasn’t even capable of taking care of her son. But she has a tough profileHe wanted his son to come back never gave up on that”recounted a psychologist who treated the Plottier.

Today the boy lives with her, goes to school, “he no longer stutters like when he was with JA”, and MP also re-established the bond with his mother. “Now I understand that by taking my son he saved his life”counted.

Neither bathe, nor wax, nor dye

He has known the defendant since he was a teenager. JA followed his statement by video from an adjoining room and later made a statement with several contradictions.

Healthy son of the patriarchy, he did not leave MP alone as if it were your property: He checked her phone, attributed relationships with other men, controlled her outings.

“She didn’t like me changing to go shopping, He wouldn’t let me bathe or shave because he said he was doing it to see me with another man,” the victim said. “I had to wear short blonde hair, He said that if she was a brunette she was a whore, and if she was red and with fluffy bangs, she was even more of a whore.. When she was with him she weighed 43 kilos, now I weigh 52 ″.

He added that “in his head, my son was what prevented him from being happy with me. She said that I was still in love with the father ». Another of her obsessions was a pregnancy that she lost due to beatings: when the first ultrasound was done, they found that the fetus was lifeless. anyway she She stated that she did not want to have children with him..

The cycles of violence

The psychologists and social workers who testified before her at Wednesday’s hearing explained the cycles of gender violence: first is the honeymoon in which the relationship seems perfect; then the controls beginat first imperceptible, the reproaches, the guilt (“If you hadn’t done this, I wouldn’t have reacted badly”), and finally physical aggression.

The victim isolates himself, out of fear and also out of shame: How do I tell my acquaintances that I am still at the side of a man who hits me?

put the body

In this sense, the case of MP is manual. One psychologist said that “she thinks that putting his body, saves the life of his family». And this is how the victim recounted it: “JA threatened to hurt my mother and my son, I preferred to stay with him and let him hit me. That my family might never understand.”he declared.

On the night of January 6, 2021, the victim’s rental home was consumed by an intentional fire. The defendant denies being the author and there are no witnesses, except for the woman and a neighbor who heard him scream “son of a bitch, your apartment is on fire”.

Before the start of the fire, JA sent his partner a photo of the front of the house with a parked car. “I was wondering ‘who are you with,’ but that car was of a girl who had stopped to buy across the street».

Two days later, the suspect returned to the dilapidated house and left, hanging from the window, the charred corpses of the two kittens that were MP’s pets.

attempted femicide

On Friday, September 10, 2021, he took her under threats to his home, where she lives with her mother and stepfather. they discussed, she climbed up on the roof chased by the manthey struggled, “he took my leg, pushed me and I fell,” said MP According to the experts, it was from 3 meters high.

“Then he came down, He kicked me a couple of times and helped me get into the house.”.

In the house he undressed her and abused her. Just Sunday the 12th They took her to the Plottier hospital guard, “On the condition that I do not speak. He was going to say that we fell off the bike, and I had to say yes with my head ».

But when she was alone with the radiologist, she told him what had happened and begged him to call the police.

serious injuries

The traumatologist who operated on her said she had triple fracture of pelvis. He pointed out that it is the injury more painfulthat the patient needed morphine and that his life was in danger.

Hospital admission on september 12 from 2021; newly they operated on her on the 30th of that month; until then he was immobile in a bed, with diapers and a probe, because he might not go to the bathroom.

Then he had to move in a wheelchair until November 19and with the crutch assistance until early January 2022.

“Delayed 8 months to recover sensitivity»he told yesterday.

And said: “I felt that I had to get well, because otherwise I would not get my son back”.

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