Podcasts | Podcast – Bandwidth: many cancers caused by port pollution in Marseille?

In the Mourepiane district (16th), a stone’s throw from L’Estaque, north of Marseille, the number of residents with cancer worries residents. “In this street, nine people have died in four years”, explains one of them. They are convinced that these pathologies are caused by toxic emissions from boats, cruise ships in particular, moored a little further, below their homes.

A causality difficult to establish for individual cases, but which might be confirmed by an epidemiological study, as explained by Delphine Tanguy, journalist in Marseille for La Provence. Author of a file on this subject which will appear this Thursday, March 30, she is today at the microphone of Audrey Savournin. At his side, residents of Mourepiane and Isabella Annesi-Maesano, research director at Inserm and professor of environmental epidemiology.

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