NEW YORK: President of the Dominican Sports Union attacks the organizers of the national games

NEW YORK.- After being sworn in, the organizing committee of the patriotic games the president of the Dominican Sports Union (UDEDONY), jose ortizattacked those who prepared the protocol agenda and said he was outraged by said oath for the changes made to the event program.

Ortiz, a well-known long-standing sports leader, expressed in a press document his displeasure at the changes introduced to the sporting event program without consulting anyone.

“We were mocked, ignored and harassed in said swearing-in, they did not take into account the Dominican Sports Union, which we represent, they took our word and the UDEDONY of New York, is the representation of the sports associations, which are the ones that set up the sporting event,” said Ortiz.

He declared that “as president of the UDODENY, we feel mistreated and mocked with the humiliating treatment given in this event that we consider to be sporting and not political, for which reason we question the organizers.”

He stressed that “UDODENY is the institution that has athletes and associations, the organizing committee of the Dominican Patriotic Games, are collectors of economic resources together with the Dominican consulate and MIDERED.”

The swearing-in that took place at the Consulate did not seem like an swearing-in, “I thought I was in a political act, they politicized everything, the speeches, presentations and interviews given to the media, I felt ashamed of others,” said the prominent leader.

“The last straw and the disorganization was such that they forgot to put some special guests on the agenda, as was the case with the new director of Culture, Rey Andújar, until a well-known journalist had to remind him,” he added.

“We hope that some bugs are corrected so that the games have the success expected by the community,” said José Ortíz.




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