Tips for packing your beach bag

Suggestions and tips for packing your beach bag

Packing a beach bag can be much more challenging than it seems, following all, there are items besides bikinis that are indispensable so that you can enjoy your day at the beach without any worries.

This process is even more difficult when the tour is done with children, the amount of items increases and care is taken not to forget them too. However, a checklist or having a process in place for packing your bag can make everything easier.

With that in mind, we have separated some tips that will be very useful for organizing your beach bag and will make this process even more uncomplicated.

Check out:

Make a list of what you need to bring

Whether you’re packing a bag just for you or going to the beach with the kids, a list of all your items is the best way to get started. So before choosing a strapless bikini model to wear, be sure to prepare your checklist.

This list should contain everything you’ll need for your day, from personal documents to sunscreen. In the summer, when trips to the beach are more frequent, the ideal is to have this list ready at all times.

car trunk woman

Pack your bag the day before the tour

Leaving everything to the last minute can be a bad choice, even with a list of essential items. Ideally, everything should be prepared the day before the tour, especially if you are taking children.

The day before calmly pack your bag, put all the objects you can’t forget and to make everything even easier, also separate the swimsuit and the cover-up that you will use.

Leave objects used only on the beach always inside the beach bag

There are some objects that are often used on the beach, such as sarongs, towels and sunscreen. Keep a beach bag ready with these essentials, so even if you forget something, what really matters will be taken with you. After all, the beach without a swimsuit and without sunscreen does not happen!

Items that cannot be missing in your beach bag

As said, there are some essential items for your tour to occur without any problems or concerns. But, do you know what these objects are?

If you still have doubts regarding what can’t be missing from your beach bag, check out a very complete list:


Responsible for protecting our skin from the sun’s rays, it is a must-have item for any outing that involves exposure to the sun, such as the beach. Sunscreen ensures your skin’s health during sun exposure and prevents serious illnesses that UVB/UVA rays can cause.

Remember to pack a lip balm, a face balm, a body balm and one for your hair and scalp.


Leaving your eyes directly exposed to the sun can also have direct health consequences, so you need something to protect your eyes. At this time, rely on your favorite sunglasses.

In addition to protecting your eyes from the sun’s rays, it will be responsible for composing your beach look and making you even more stylish.


The hat will be responsible for directly protecting your scalp and preventing it from burning during the time it will be exposed. Also, just like sunglasses, it makes your look much more stylish.

towel and yoke

Towels and sarongs are indispensable for the day at the beach. The main function of both will be to dry you following a swim in the sea and ensure that you don’t lie directly on the sand to get that summer tan.

Don’t forget anything when packing your beach bag and enjoy the summer!

Don’t forget your allies on hot summer days at the beach and make sure your trip is much more peaceful!



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