FPÖ – Hafenecker: “After the upcoming new elections at the latest, the FPÖ will enforce full clarification of the compulsory Corona regime!” | Liberal Parliament Club

ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ, NEOS will not be able to prevent clarification of political responsibility with their rejection of the FPÖ application for a Corona investigation committee

Vienna (OTS) “Chancellor Nehammer only recently spoke of wanting to fill in the corona trenches and ranted that one had been too ‘expert’, which is why he now wants to set up a commission of experts once more. That alone shows that this will not be a reconciliation process, but a process of mockery!” Christian Hafenecker, MA today in his speech on the FPÖ application for the establishment of a Corona investigation committee. The ÖVP is simply continuing its “cover-up process”, which is already known from the ÖVP corruption investigation committee. The NEOS would also play a special role, which would have turned off this committee by refusing an extension.

“However, the population urgently demands full clarification with regard to everything related to the failed corona measures. She wants to know who bears the political responsibility for making Austria one of the countries with the most radical measures and downright a country of ‘lockup fetishists’,” said Hafenecker. But the truth is also a daughter of time, as can be seen from the numerous veiled things that are currently coming to light.

“Vaccine damage was kept under wraps and even ignored by some doctors, as seen in leaked doctor chats. Vaccine procurement also needs to be scrutinized: 70 million doses have been bought here for just nine million residents. 19 million vaccine doses are still in stock, millions more doses have been given away. Who made these deals and more importantly, why? The government’s various advisory bodies are made up of people with connections to pharmaceutical companies, and the ‘Compulsory Vaccination Commission’ even has 100 percent of them. Citizens therefore have the right to have all backgrounds thoroughly examined! Because all of this literally smells of corruption,” the liberal General Secretary continued.

Hafenecker also saw a massive need for clarification regarding censorship in social media and the attempted media purchase by the government: “An attempt was made to buy the published opinion with an unprecedented ‘corruption of advertisements’. Agencies with political ties to black and green also raked in millions. Quite apart from the fact that organizations close to the ÖVP, such as the Tiroler Jungbauernschaft/Landjugend or the Seniorenbund Oberösterreich, have unabashedly stuffed their pockets at the Coronahilfefonds. Mask and test companies have also sprung up, many of which were previously active in completely different industries and were close to the ÖVP. The current scandal surrounding Lead Horizon shows that a lot has gone wrong here!”

The “grave of millions” COFAG, which was created as a separate company in order to willfully withdraw it from parliamentary control and was run “by a black and a green governor”, must also be examined. “It is therefore a scandal that all other parties want to sweep all this under the carpet by rejecting our demand for a corona investigation committee, although the suspicion of corruption is clearly visible at almost every nook and cranny of this corona policy. But it is obvious: The NEOS were everywhere like the proverbial Soletti, while the SPÖ managed the dubious feat of even surpassing the government in its Corona madness as an opposition party,” said Hafenecker and announced: “Even if If four parties object to the necessary clarification today, they will not be able to prevent it. After the upcoming new elections at the latest, the FPÖ will work shoulder to shoulder with the population to ensure that everything comes to light and that justice is done!”

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