What does guava consumption do to the body?

Guava is a fruit known for its high content of vitamins such as C. It is a tropical fruit native to America and can be eaten fresh (raw) or in different recipes that require cooking such as jam.

That is why its daily consumption brings great benefits to the body and these are some of those that can be seen referenced in the short and long term.

Because it is rich in vitamin A, it maintains good eye health by protecting eye tissue. This fruit offers benefits for neural nerve connectionswhich are also needed for the proper functioning of vision.

In this line, Tua Saúde indicates that the extract of guava leaves has astringent, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties, which help to reduce both diarrhea (acute or chronic), as well as abdominal pain and the possible microorganisms that cause it, and may be ingested in the form of tea to treat gastroenteritis and childhood dysentery.

Be careful, not everyone can consume guava

Despite the fact that its consumption brings great benefits to the body, it also has contraindications and the portal Sports world reveals some. For example, people who have allergies to some of its components should avoid it.

Infusions with leaves or roots of the plant are not recommended for pregnant women or for young children. It is also not recommended to consume large amounts of this fruit if you suffer from constipation, since its astringent properties can worsen the problem.

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