“In France, it unfortunately takes 5 to 7 years to make a diagnosis”

Allergic reactions depend on the origin of the allergen. Various tests exist to determine the culprit.

The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that in 2050, 1 in 2 people in the world might suffer from an allergy. “The number of allergy cases is exploding around the world. Pollution, indoor pollution, food pollution, even if you do not have an allergic background, pollution can over the years make you a potential allergy“, met en garde Dr Christian Recchia.

It is therefore necessary to define the vision that it is a strong reaction of your immune system which can cause manifestations at the pharyngeal level up to suffocation. It can cause skin lesions with inexorable and extremely dangerous scratching that can cause signs around the eyes with considerable burns“, summarizes the health professional.

Animal hair, pollen

What are the signs of allergy? From the conjunctiva to the skin signs, passing through edema on the palate or chronic rhinitis, the manifestations of allergy are multiple and depend on the allergen. “We have seen thousands of patients who have a permanent runny nose. On these signs of allergy that you have, it is necessary to make a diagnosis”, souligne le Dr Recchia.

Whether it is the presence of animals in the apartment, the material of a jewel, the arrival of pollens, the causes of the allergy can be numerous. “You really need to be able to identify yourself if you have a case of rhinitis, a case of conjunctivitis that comes back several times. (…) In France, it unfortunately takes five to seven years of therapeutic wandering to make an accurate diagnosis of the origin of allergies”, reports Dr. Recchia. As Ameli Santé advises, a doctor should be consulted quickly if the frequency of symptoms increases or if discomfort occurs following the meal.

VIDEO – Allergy to pollens: the right reflexes to adopt!



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