Korosec: “Temporary Aliquotation is an Important Step”

The long-term goal of the President of the Seniors’ Association is to permanently abolish the part-time allowance.

Vienna (OTS) “The suspension of the partial payment of the first pension adjustment for two years is an important step. In connection with the currently high inflation, this regulation would otherwise have meant great financial disadvantages for 100,000 new pensioners in 2024 alone – with effects on the rest of their lives. The federal government has already decided to cushion the partial allowance for 2023 and I am glad that the intensive and constructive discussions have led to a solution that is appropriate to the situation.”says Senior Citizens’ Association President Ingrid Korosec.

“For women in particular, the suspension of the part-time allowance is good news, as due to the gradual increase in the retirement age over the next ten years, they will not be able to retire until the second half of the year at the earliest.”, reminds Korosec. She would have been particularly affected by the scaling of the first adjustment.

“In the long term, however, the goal must be the permanent abolition of the partial payment. I will continue to work for this with the Austrian Senior Citizens’ Council, as well as for the retroactive cancellation of the aliquoting.”concludes Korosec.

Questions & contact:

Austrian Senior Citizens Association
Mag. Alexander Maurer
press secretary
+43 664/ 859 29 18



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