The young girl apologized to the two police officers in front of Judge Nazé in a low voice. Her lawyer, Gaël Thiry, requested a work sentence for his 18-year-old client, who is a calm volunteer in an association and a student at the Saint-Benoît Institute in Habay. The incident occurred on February 12 during a school ball in Marbehan, where tensions escalated and the police had to intervene with incapacitating gas. The young girl, who went outside the ball to support her friends, was affected by the spray, leading to an allergic reaction and refusal to receive decontaminating gas. In the heat of the moment, she kicked two policemen in the head and spat on them. Prosecutor Gourdange demanded six months of imprisonment and an 80-hour work sentence, emphasizing the need to respect police officers who are only doing their job. The two police officers, civil parties, requested 500 € each for moral damage through their lawyer, Benjamin Dethier. The verdict is due on April 24.
The young girl turns to the two policemen and says to them, in a low voice and at the invitation of Judge Nazé, “I apologize”.
His lawyer, Me Gaël Thiry, is demanding a work sentence for his young 18-year-old client, a student at the Saint-Benoît Institute in Habay. “Because my client is calm, she is a volunteer in an association “, pleads Me Thiry.
What happened then the night of February 12, at her school ball in Marbehan, to the point that the young girl is now in front of the criminal court and must respond to police beatings and rebellion?
There were some tensions that evening and the police had to intervene with incapacitating gas.
The young girl, who had gone outside the ball to support her friends, was the victim of this police spray. “And that’s what put her in absolute anger. She had an allergic reaction because of this spray and even refused to be given decontaminating gas”says Gaël Thiry.
Unleashed, the student then kicked two policemen in the head and spat on them!
“I demand 6 months in prison and am not opposed to an 80-hour work sentence because we must respect police officers who are only doing their job”, requires the Gourdange prosecutor.
For the two police officers, civil parties, Me Benjamin Dethier claims 500 € of moral damage for each. Judgment on April 24.
In conclusion, the incident at the school ball in Marbehan has led to a criminal trial for an 18-year-old student who allegedly kicked two police officers and spat on them. While her lawyer is arguing for a work sentence, the prosecutor is calling for a prison term and the police officers are seeking compensation for moral damages. Regardless of the outcome, it is important to respect the rule of law and to treat police officers with dignity and professionalism, even in difficult situations. Let us hope that justice will be served on April 24.