Numerous breaches were discovered…

A few days ago, on March 23, the Environment Department of the Boraine Police, along with ONEM, INAMI, SPW Animal Welfare, and members of the Municipal Administration of Saint-Ghislain, visited a horse pension in Saint-Ghislain. 29 horses and 8 sheep were found on the premises. According to the Boraine Police, the establishment was found to be in violation of many laws, including improper waste storage, storage of livestock effluent over 100 m³, absence of planning permission for box and facility construction, absence of planning permission for dwelling construction, building in a green/wooded area, unauthorized number of horses present, unregistered horses, soil pollution, and undeclared work. However, no animal abuse was observed. The matter has been forwarded to competent authorities, and various organizations that participated in the control will carry out further tasks.

It was a few days ago, on March 23. The environment department of the Boraine police, accompanied by the ONEM, the INAMI, the SPW Animal welfare and members of the municipal administration of Saint-Ghislain, went to a pension for horses of the entity of Saint Ghislain.

of videos

On site, there are 29 horses and 8 sheep.

“The various observations made on site have made it possible to determine that the establishment did not comply with many laws” specifies the Boraine police. This concerned:

– waste storage

– the storage of livestock effluent with a volume greater than 100 m³

– the absence of planning permission for the construction of boxes and other facilities

– the absence of planning permission for the construction of a dwelling

– the fact of having built in a green/wooded area

– the absence of authorization concerning the number of horses present

– horses were not registered

– soil pollution has been observed

– there was also undeclared work

“Despite these various offences, and fortunately, no animal abuse has been observed,” adds the Boraine police. “The files have been forwarded to the competent authorities (labour auditor, public prosecutor of the King of Charleroi competent in environmental matters) and various tasks will still have to be carried out later by the various organizations that participated in this control. »

In conclusion, the recent inspection at a horse pension in the entity of Saint Ghislain has uncovered several violations of laws regarding waste storage, construction permits, livestock effluent, and more. However, the good news is that no animal abuse has been observed on site. The Boraine police have forwarded the case to the competent authorities, and further actions will be taken by the concerned organizations. It is hoped that such inspections will help to ensure better animal welfare and environmental safety in the future.



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