“Spot Shot” is a show that covers true crime stories. One episode focuses on a man who lured his girlfriend, her mother, and two sisters to a dinner invitation. He then convinced them to visit an ancient cave, promising treasure. Instead, he and his partner committed a brutal crime, burying the victims and concealing their tracks. The two murderers later went out for a smoke using “the same hookah”. The Lebanese and Arab public were shocked when the security services uncovered the crime and apprehended the criminals. Although the death sentence for the two perpetrators was delayed by the court, something occurred on the eve of International Women’s Day, which was unexpected. Watch the next episode of “Spot Shot” for more information.
He lured his beloved with her mother and two sisters through an invitation to dinner.
On the way, he decided to pass by to show them an ancient cave, which he claimed contained treasure. Inside the cave, he committed his brutal crime with his partner, buried her with her mother and two sisters, and hid their traces.
On the same night, he went with his partner to complete the evening on “the same hookah”!
The security services were able to unveil the crime that shook the Lebanese and Arab public opinion, and arrested the perpetrators, Hussein and Hassan, and referred them to the competent court.
However, a year following Ansar’s crime and on the eve of International Women’s Day, and instead of the court’s adjournment of the death sentence for the two defendants, something happened that was not taken into account.
For details, watch a new episode of A Killing Document via Spot Shot.
The horrific crime of Ansar and the brutal murder of his beloved and her family left the Lebanese and Arab public in shock. Thanks to the hard work of the security services, justice was served, and the perpetrators were arrested, but the unexpected turn of events on the eve of International Women’s Day caught everyone off guard. As we continue to follow this story, tune in to the next episode of A Killing Document on Spot Shot for more details. Let us take a moment to remember the victims of this tragedy and reflect on the importance of standing up once morest violence and injustice.